Posts Tagged ‘manmade’


July 28, 2015

Mankind turns away from God made to manmade.

You may say what is God made? Good question because in this life we humans are now getting confronted so much with MANMADE that we begin to forget that yes there is a God and he made his own creation. Mankind is now so immersed in his own MANMADE creations that mankind is now trying to forsake God made. 

Go out in to the country; see God made. Get away from the city of concrete and mortar, away from the plastic and brick; go out of the city, hear the bees humming, hear the birds chirping, yes birds do make a sound, see butterflies, hear a brook gushing, smell the vegetation, yes Gods creation smells, taste natural fruit off a tree. To turn away from God made to MANMADE is unnatural. God is natural. To turn away means to pervert. Every time I read the newspaper it’s about who sexually abused who. The news now a days often is about perversion, who perverted who. This generation seems to be an abused generation.  
What is the ultimate in MANMADE creation? I think it is robots that look like humans but have super abilities. Also man might create robotic life like animals and insects and birds that look like the real ones. So we have a pet robot dog or cat etc. 

There is the “Knowledge of good and evil”. God created the universe and made mankind in his likeness. Mankind got this knowledge and wants to create as God does. Man will make as God has made. Man will create replications of God made. Knowledge of good and evil is not all just about good, it is also about evil. Robots will have artificial intelligence and will be both good and evil. You will get good robots and you will get bad robots. Knowledge of good and evil certainly brought evil in to this world. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Utopia until they consumed knowledge. Scientists are trying now to manage knowledge of good and evil but such attempts of management are really futile as mankind craves to create. 
Mankind will go further and further virtual and try to get out of the real world and engulf him/her self in an artificial virtual world. In the mean time this natural creation will be further killed off. Kill Gods creation and live in a MANMADE artificial creation. 
God initially confronted mankind with knowledge “Don’t eat Knowledge” God said to the first humans; of course as we humans know when someone tells us not to do something and when they have gone we go and do that something, hey who do they think we are? We can do what we want, know one tells us what to do. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden in “Simple Bliss” and just like we humans are now they disobeyed God the Father. We all mess up. One big cock up from the beginning. And it’s been a series of cock ups ever since. Mankind is turning away (means perverted) from natural to unnatural. 
Knowledge will kill. 
Because knowledge is good and evil the sensible thing is to not have Knowledge at all because we may get good from knowledge but we also get evil so the bottom line is not to consume knowledge at all. There is a better way – WISDOM OF JESUS CHRIST. Wisdom is a type of knowledge but but it is not the knowledge that God told Adam and Eve not to eat of. Wisdom is a practical knowledge, it is about behaviour. Jesus taught his wisdom to his disciples and we get this wisdom written down in the gospels. Paul and other Apostles also contributed to writing down Jesus wisdom. 
So to have Utopia again, as Adam and Eve had it from the beginning, we humans need to behave properly to one another and to do that we need to eat of the tree of WISDOM. Wisdom of God gives life, spiritual life, we are preserved, we look younger, we are healthy, we are strong. 
But mankind will never have utopia again (unless it happens in the future when Jesus rules on this Earth for one thousand years). Man will kill and kill and kill. Mankind will use knowledge to kill. As well as heal. Wars will come and go. Robots will kill robots. The war of the machines. Life as we know it in God will get further snuffed out. And man will live in virtual artificial environments. Mankind is so perverted.  
Wisdom of Jesus Christ, NOT the knowledge of good and evil, makes better society/community.
The Bible is full of wisdom not Knowledge of good and evil.
Epilogue – knowledge of good and evil

I am beginning to see knowledge from an above view where knowledge is looked at as being for good or evil. In other words people learn knowledge to use for good or evil. It’s like God is a God that sees good or evil. We have two sides to knowledge – good or evil. The purpose of life is good or evil depending on what side you are on. Satan the enemy is the Evil side and God is the good side. We have two sides to this life in this universe. Life is plainly light or dark. Two opposing forces. As one gets wiser we perceive life is about two sides – God and Satan. Satan we call the Evil One so it means that God we can call the Good One. You don’t learn knowledge unless you want to use it for Good or Evil, this is the true understanding. 
By eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil mankind has the ability to do good or bad. 
Otherwise live in simple bliss and eat of wisdom. 

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


December 11, 2014

I had an e mail today offering me a synthetic lawn for the front of my villa. On first looking at this e mail I took a few minutes to get my thoughts even keeled because the thought of synthetic lawn in front of my villa caused a few minutes of windy thinking. Yes I was upset. I do not want artificial lawn on my property. Artificial, synthetic, manmade, plastic, all try to smother out Mother Nature. So who is Mother Nature now? Is she a plastic barbie doll?

Years ago a photo in a woman’s magazine stood out to me. This photo was a picture of a well known Italian actress. This actress was vey old in age but in the photo she looked about 30 years old. I have heard that she has had many plastic surgeries. I mean she is now a lot plastic. Just imagine at her funeral, the priest says “plastic to plastic and a bit dust to dust”. If this actress was cremated there would be a blob of plastic left after her burning.

Girls start their initiation in to mothering by having baby dolls. These dolls are usually plastic. But there are adults that do not give up on the plastic but take it into adult life in their own lives. Plastic is artificial. There is artificial mothering. Women go in to their adult life as barbie dolls. They are barbie dolls. This actress mentioned is a barbie doll.

So we have women smothering out what is natural for what is unnatural. Synthetic is unnatural. Ageing is natural and God ordained. Grow old and enjoy it. Grow old and do not fight it.

So Mum is becoming synthetic, artificial and Manmade. Mum is becoming the barbie doll. Creation is becoming smothered in synthetic. Cover God in plastic. Replace God with synthetic.

We want our real true mothers back!!!!!!!

Mankind is replacing humans with synthetic. Replace mum and dad with manmade. Replace God the Father and Mother Nature with artificial.

But mankind is determined down this path of replacing all God made with manmade. This path is like programmed in to mankind’s psyche so nothing will change it. Mankind is determined that science (knowledge) is mankind’s answer to all problems. So is everyone more or less constipated? Eating the wrong food can mess up with our intestines. We need natural food not unnatural food because our bodies were made for natural by a natural God. Manmade can be so very unnatural. We need simple food for our simple intestines. Manmade can be so complex. Humans make themselves complex. God does not make humans complex. God speaks the simple truth. SIMPLE truth. Mankind lies.

So mankind is pursuing life outside planet earth. But life needs water and food. That’s the life I think of. I see no water outside earth. Mankind is like a whore looking for another Mother Nature. Mankind has whored with earths Mother Nature and defiled it now mankind wants to find a new mother (nature) to whore with. Mankind’s Mother Nature has become defiled (polluted). All our making of the mother into artificial is making mankind in to jerks. There is no putting mans roots deep down in to an artificial Mother Nature. Putting roots down in to plastic is just jerking. Artificial is just being a jerk. You get these women that look like sex sirens – I am afraid to say but such women are just jerks. Pornography is just for immature jerks. There is no deep relationship in pornography.

I see mankind and his pursuit for life outside earth as vain. But what is mankind’s demise? Will it be when our solar systems sun dies out? I do not know, no one knows yet. The mind boggles at such questions. Will mankind send robots to far out journeys in to space? Why send humans when robots can exist up there.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


June 28, 2014

Replace God, replace creation
Mans wisdom is about manmade

Man wants to replicate ALL God and His creation. Mans wisdom is Satan inspired. We work for the Beast, whatever the Beast is. Satan is said to have control over a lot of the worlds kingdoms. Satan maybe controls the money and its system. God’s kingdom is not of this world; God’s kingdom is within.

So we true believers in God are in this world but not of this world. We true believers in God are like aliens in this world we belong to the above. The world and its people love the things of this world. The world does not understand Jesus Christ because the world tries to understand God from the wisdom of man. Man is wise in his/her own eyes and does not comprehend that God is a God of simplicity. The world sees God as complex and because of this the world is unable to understand God. Man is complex in mans own understanding. Satan tries to blind people from the truth about God.

Man wants to create everything apart from what God has created. Gods creation is getting snuffed out. Snuff out God. But God can not be killed so God will eventually punish the people of the world. People kill off God’s creation and replace God’s creation with manmade creation. Kill the trees, kill the animals, kill the plants, kill off the oxygen, kill of the vegetation, PUT concrete down, put plastic down, put man made materials over God made materials.

Creation is being killed off by man. But it will not end there. Man wants to create man in mans likeness just as God created man in God’s likeness. Man will create man, male and female, and they will have names. These man image creations at this time are called robots and humanoids. But man will not stop at creating man in his own image, male and female; man will want to create God. God is known in the three persons so man will create God in three persons. Man will try and create a manmade man that does what Jesus Christ does. So Jesus Christ walked on water and man’s creation will try and copy all the things Jesus did and does. Man will try and create holograms that robots can give off with light. These holograms will be like the visions God gives. Man will try and create spirit. Man then will try and create God the Father. Will man create spirits like the angels.

Man wants to be God. Man can not be God so man will create God. Manmade will replace God made. Man hates God. Man rebels against God. Man wants to be wise of him/her self. Man wants to rule the universe apart from God. Man has turned away from God. Man does not want to work for God. Man loves money and works for money and serves money. Man serves the Beast. The Beast gives money. Man serves Satan.

To turn away means to pervert. Man has become perverted. This world is perverted.

In the future there will be a lot of man made. Man is slowly killing off all God made. Eventually CARBON will be a very big problem. Plants soak up carbon but man is killing off a lot of the God made plants. The ecosystem is a system that should not be interfered with but man interferes with it wholesale.

Man is so clever in his/her own eyes. Man is replacing the creator and the creation with manmade. Man wants to be in control. Man serves Satan. Man will take the Mark of the Beast and keep serving the Beast. The Beast is all about money and buying and selling.

The Holy Spirit says “listen” but we do not listen to Him we are too busy serving ourselves, money and the Beast and Satan. Satan fell from heaven, he had become proud and wanted what God has and it’s the same for man, man wants what God has apart from God. Man can not have what God has so man makes his own.

Man you are so intelligent, you are so great, you are such a hard worker, you are so attractive, you are so wise, you are just brilliant, you are a genius, you are the best there is no better, man you toil long hours, man you are just it, man your job is the best, man you are perfect, man you WORK WORK and WORK what a very great worker you are.

BUT man you are not working for God. Man your true vocation is in spirit. Man your true vocation is only spiritually discerned. Only a wise person discovers true God vocation; this wisdom has to be of Christ and no other. Man will never discover true vocation through mans wisdom. Mans wisdom is false. Mans wisdom serves Satan.


Man = mankind (male and female)

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray


June 25, 2014

Humanoids will come. And COME and come. They will be our servants just as humans are supposed to be Gods servants. But will humanoids one day think and rebel against their master the human. Will humanoids get WISDOM? And understand right from wrong.

Humans got wisdom to soul; that was wrong. Adam was the first ‘soul man’ but in Jesus Christ who is ‘Spirit man’ we in our human spirit get wisdom. Spiritual wisdom seems ok to God BUT soul wisdom is not ok to God. Mystifying; yes.

But humanoids in the physical has further ramifications; the HOLOGRAM. Such is like a vision and 3 dimensional made by a light source. Maybe the humanoids can emit the light source to make holograms.

What about a free standing (power within the hologram; like a spirit) 3 dimensional hologram – is that possible. Maybe ‘Man’ will create spirit. I mean we are getting just about every other manmade thing.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

ROBOMAN / ROBOWOMAN – Part human part robot

May 15, 2014

The 6 million dollar man – remember the TV series.

So in the future we humans can be man made. Artificial human beings not God made but man made. Snuff out all God made with man made. Try to kill off God.

But man can transplant hearts with man made hearts but where will all this end. I mean its one thing to say have man made kidneys or a man made heart BUT how far can man making humans go before we go too far. Too far meaning how far before man becomes some sort of robot and not human. I mean can we man make a brain.

So we can print human parts/organs/bones with a 3D printer.

When does man made go too far and transgress God made? Is the cross over threshold the brain? Is the soul in the brain? People have already had heart transplants so we know the cross over threshold between God made and man made is not the heart. So I presume it must be the brain.

Man = mankind

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


February 9, 2014

I went on a holiday.
Wow where did you go?
To a quiet place where “mans” (his/her) own noise and “mans” (his/her) inventions noise is minimal.
Did you go to any museums?
Did you see any art galleries?
Did you go to the beach and swim?
Did you go for many long walks?
Did you see lots of great architecture buildings?
What did you do?
I looked, I listened, I smelt, I tasted.
What did you see?
I saw the clouds, I saw the sheep in the fields, I saw birds flying over head, I saw people’s faces, I saw my wife’s smile, I saw grass hoppers, I saw small lizards, I saw butterfly’s.
What did you hear?
I heard the baaing of the sheep, I heard the cows mooing, I heard the grass hoppers clicking sounds, I heard my wife talking to me, I heard the birds chirping, I heard the wind.
What did you smell?
I smelt the flowers, I smelt my food at meal times, I smelt the freshness of my wife, I smelt the manure on the fields.
What did you taste?
I tasted my food at meal times, I tasted the freshness of my wife’s skin when I kissed her lips and cheek.
But what did you do?
I just told you.
There were two sisters, one named Mary and the other Martha. Jesus was nearby he was on his way to visit Mary and Martha. Mary went out to greet Jesus. Martha stayed home and cleaned and cleaned and set the table and cooked the food. Mary welcomed Jesus in to the sisters home and then Mary sat at Jesus feet and listened to him. Mary savoured every word that Jesus said. Mary kept her eyes on Jesus. Mary smelt Jesus clothes. Jesus gave off a heavenly beautiful fragrance. Martha complained to Jesus; “Mary is lazy, she does no work, while I toil day and night”. Jesus said, “Martha Martha, your sister is doing the better thing”. But Martha nevertheless went back to her work and Mary continued to stay beside Jesus. (An account of Mary and Martha is in the Bible).

The bible says: “Be still and listen to God”.

To come off the treadmill of life is hard because once you are off it you might not want to go back on it.

Is it really boring to know God through ones senses. To stop and sense God through Gods creation. Get away from all the inventions of “Man”. No sensing of “Mans” inventions. Sensing what God made not what “Man” made. Artificial (Manmade) is dulling people’s minds. Artificiality is actually perverting mankind.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


December 30, 2013

(True life is not artificial) (Artificial is manmade)

News: Man survives first week with artificial heart after world-first operation.
Artificial heart; what about a artificial brain. Can we do it, make a brain? And will this artificial heart continue to work? But man making a brain; man makes just about everything else. Seems stupid to think about an artificial brain, But But. So we are going down a path of part robotic human beings; part machine, part human. BUT man making a brain; seems so weird. So man is on a QUEST of ARTIFICIALITY. Man made as versus God made. “God made mankind simple but mankind has made themselves very complex”. The simple person sees simplicity, sees humans in a simple view, sees humans simple rather than complex, sees life as a simple view, wants life as simple; complex to the simple person is not understood. Simple people are like more child like, they are more innocent, they understand only the simple things; complex things to the simple are confusing and too complicated to understand.

True teachers of God teach from a simplistic approach. True teachers understand all truth is simple. True teachers explain everything in true simplicity. True teachers understand that all things begin simple and that God’s Wisdom is not complex, confusing and complicated but God’s wisdom is a growth from a one simple seed of true God WISDOM. God is about growth. You grow wise of God. Seeds grow. Start simple, nurture the simple seeds and God will give growth. True Learning is about growth. Mans (mankind’s) learning is all complex. God’s learning is about relationship. We relate to God; we have a relationship with our true teacher God (the Holy Spirit). Human wisdom, learnings, is not about relationship; students do not have a relationship with the human teachers; if they did or do its a relationship mainly based on the flesh (carnal).

Relationship learning is the only best way of learning. And God is our Father. We relate to a loving Father who we can trust. Human teachers you can not trust. Human teachers are just hired hands they run when the wolf comes. Hired teachers just protect the flock in name only; the real truth is that hired hands do not really protect the flock (the students). Dogs can attack the students and the hired teachers just look on doing nothing to help. Bullying in schools is rife and a lot of teachers do not help. Teachers do not want to get involved because the dogs might turn on them; and then their lives will be traumatised.

So true God teachers teach the simple truth, not a so called complex truth. True teachers teach true simplicity, KEEP IT SIMPLE. True teachers understand all true life things grow. And these teachers understand God only gives the growth; so telling a student to grow up is nonsense because humans do not give growth. True teachers relate to the students, they act like a father, brother, sister or mother. True teachers keep pure in mind, thought, word and deed. True teachers pray often to God for their students. True teachers read the bible often and read it to their charges. Learning can be wide but the true teachers always keeps the learning within a framework, that framework is the understanding in the bible. Learning is about life. Learning is about the living. We learn to discern, we grow, mature then get more discerning. Learning is a lot about discerning. We discern to learn. We understand by discerning. To discern is to have insight. We use insight to learn.


(Man made teaching is not life)
(The Tree of Life is not artificial)
(Man made teaching is artificial)

THE TREE OF LIFE – eat of it.
I think the essence of understanding about The Tree of Life is that this Tree is about LIFE. The key word here is LIFE. Learn about life. We learn so much from experiencing life.

Yours sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Seek Wisdom

June 19, 2013

Jesus! Jesus!
Hi Tom.
Don’t just stand outside come in.
Thanks for inviting me Tom.
No worries, help yourself to a beer, on the house, fridge is in the kitchen end of the corridor.
(Jesus smiles, walks in to a crowded living room, the music is loud. Jesus makes his way down the corridor)
Oh hi Gloria.
Meet my friend Joan.
Hi Joan.
Hi Jesus.
Gloria tells me you are studying sociology.
Sure am.
I love sociology. You like it.
It’s very complex to me.
You mean you do not understand it.
It’s just so uuumm yer complex.
What do you mean Jesus?
Well it’s seems so human made up.
Well I love sociology.
Hey Joan you love me too.
Yes Gloria I love you too.
It’s good to love; God is love.
Now Jesus do not get religious on us. I know who can help you about sociology; Roger. Roger is gay but he understands sociology so well. Roger is looking for a new friend.
No thanks Joan.
Hey are you being a snob Jesus.
Must go, need a leak.
(Jesus walks away from Gloria and Joan; Jesus heads for the kitchen)
Hey Tom where’s the bathroom?
Upstairs last room end of passageway.
(Jesus climbs the stairs comes to the door to the bathroom, opens the door, Jesus is desperate for a leak)
Oh so sorry.
You the new guy Jesus don’t mind me I will be here for yonks you can use the bath.
No I am imposing.
No you are not.
(Jesus is desperate to go)
Hi Carol.
(Sam and Jeff holding hands come in)
Use the bath.
No worries Carol.
Hi Jesus,
Hi Sam, hi Jeff.
(Carol still on the toilet answers her phone. Carol gets in to a conversation with a friend)
(“What the heck with it” Jesus thinks “I have to go”)
(Jesus relieves himself and walks out of the bathroom)
(Sam shouts after him, “Roger wants to speak to you”)
Hi Jesus, you still doing psychology?
Hi Ben, yep still doing it.
You not drinking.
No Ben I am not thirsty.
Thirsty, what’s thirsty to do with beer?
Jim! Jimbo!
Yer Ben!
Throw me a can!
(While Ben is turned away Jesus moves away quickly, he heads for the lounge, the music here is ear jamming, so very loud, people are dancing, some are even half dressed)
There you are Jesus.
Oh hi Roger.
Hear you are not coming to terms with sociology. I can heal you of that. Meet me in the upstairs bedroom down the passageway first on left. Meet me in 10 minutes.
(Roger then falls down on a sofa, the liquor is getting to him)
Hi. Want a dance.
No thanks.
Don’t you like women?
Yes but I can not dance.
My name is Kitty.
Yes I know, I see you in psychology class. You always sit at the back.
Yes I do, I find psychology so boring.
Me too.
I thought you were a genius. You look like one.
Psychology to me is so manmade.
Why do an Arts Degree then?
My FATHER instructed me to do it.
He wants me to learn about man.
What about women?
Yes women too.
How does studying an Arts Degree give you knowledge about men and women?
The Arts are to do with artificial. Artificial is to do with manmade. Manmade is to do with perversion. Perversion is a turning away from God our creator. Art is in the word artificial and art is about mankind not God. Art is mans creations not Gods creations.
You are so religious. Have fun, unwind, you look so tense, forget God and religion that’s for the oldies we are young, enjoy.
Got to go.
Your mummy wants you home.
Now Kitty be nice. Bye, see you in class tomorrow.
I might miss tomorrow, might sleep in, I will have such a bad hangover.
(Jesus leaves the house, he heads for his own digs a room in a university hostel nearby)
FATHER do I have to carry on learning about “mans” (peoples) understanding?
Yes my Son, please endure, you will bear fruit, you will succeed.
FATHER when can I come home?
Everything in its right timing. Be patient Son.
Night Son.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


June 18, 2013

Sensible eating and drinking should be a forte and focus of human thinking.
So what is good to eat and drink? What is our frame of reference when eating and drinking? The frame of reference is God. There is God made food and drink. Who else on this earth makes and creates? Yes mankind (people) makes and creates. Mankind makes food and drink. What we call manmade (term for people both male and female) is called artificial. Artificial is all unnatural. Unnatural is to be perverse.
What should we not eat and drink? Do not eat manmade food and drink if you want real sensible eating and drinking. To be truly wise is to eat and drink only God made food and drink. Eat a banana, eat an apple, eat a orange, eat nuts, eat wheat and barley, eat carrots, eat potatoes, eat lettuce, eat cauliflower, eat parsnip, eat cabbage, eat meat, eat chicken, eat fish, and the list goes on; we are speaking about God made food here; all these foods are God made not manmade. Drink plain water, drink milk; both God made too. Anything that is outside natural food and drink is unnatural and should be avoided. Natural is to honour God our maker. Man makes food and drink; man tries and passes food and drink off as God food but it is not; it is a deception. A lot of processed food and drink is manmade. Man even duplicates God’s flavourings. Manmade food and drinks are inferior to a God made food and drinks. Man tries and copies what God had made. Artificial is unnatural and perverse. Mankind is heading (like a steam train, all go) on a path of perverseness. Perverseness is about complexity. To be straight of God is to be in simplicity. Live straight thinking lives. God wants us to think straight. Mankind and his creations are arty and perverse. Get back to God and his creations in a life of simplicity. Give up manmade, give up artificial, give up complexity, give up perverseness. Mankind leads us away in his/her creations to worship mankind. Mankind becomes the God, the maker God. Humans then worship humans and turn away from our true creator, humans become perverts (means turning away). We get mans wisdom, mans philosophies, mans understanding, man and man not God. “Humanism” becomes the religion of mankind. Humanism is manmade understanding. Humanism perverts.

Yours sincerely; Lester John Murray.