Posts Tagged ‘constipation’


April 8, 2015

Do you want to be regular? That means do you want to be sane? You may ask what has sanity got to do with being regular? Regular and sanity are about getting the waste out. You know, put the rubbish out. Keep clean. Sanity is from the root word sanitation. Sanitation we all know is about waste removal. It is very important that we put the rubbish out otherwise we live in a pigsty. Living in a pigsty is dirty living and dirty living is unhygienic and such we get unhealthy bodies and minds. Living dirty we get diseases etc. 

We all should want to be regular, we all should want to be sane, we all should want to be clean. 

But what makes us dirty? What makes us unclean? What makes us un regular? What makes us insane?

God our almighty creator is all clean. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. So if we get away from being clean we get away from God. God is all sane. To be regular is sanity. Humans are meant to keep clean. We are meant to follow in the steps of Gods all clean Son JESUS CHRIST. 

God calls dirtiness – sin. Sinning makes us un clean and sin separates us from God. So what is sin? The Bible tells us what are sins. First God gave to the Hebrews (Gods elect) the 10 commandments. We as Christians (the new elect of God) uphold these 10 commandments. Christians are given two new commandments that supersede the 10 commandments. These two new commandments are simply to LOVE God and LOVE your neighbour. The 10 commandments given to the Hebrews is the OLD will; the two LOVE commandments are the NEW will. The new will supersedes the old will. 

Sin makes us un clean and sin makes us insane and sin makes us un healthy. We are not regular if we carry on sinning. BUT we are not perfect humans and getting dirty is part and parcel of life. Yes we can not be squeaky clean 24/7. We get dirty but we can adjust and control how dirty we get by our actions and words. After getting dirty we can at times go to God in prayer and confess our sins and God in his grace and mercy forgives our sins and washes us clean in the blood of Jesus Christ (this cleansing in JESUS blood is a mystery). 

Keeping regular can be to do with the food and drinks we consume. Now a days people eat not because they NEED to eat and drink but because they WANT to eat and drink. So wants can be detrimental to mankind. In the way past before materialism, luxury and heaps of food was available; man hunted and scavenged for his food and man grew his own food. In those early days you ate and drank what you needed. In those days man was not obese. Wants make man obese. Wants make man un regular. “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want” (Psalm 23). The Lord God provides our needs not wants. You don’t pray to God for a new BMW car. We don’t need a status car. You are mocking God if you pray for wants. JESUS when he was on this earth had just his needs met not his wants. Wanting can be a big dark deep hole. Wanting has no end. So if we eat and drink for our needs we keep regular and we keep sane. JESUS commands us to LOVE. But we are not to love as the people of the world love we are to love as the Bible instructs us. Love of God keeps us regular and sane. God Love is simple, God love is not complex, God love is straightforward, God love is not complicated. The world is complicated and people make their lives complex and complicated but God brings simplicity and truth. 

We consume Gods WORDS that are simple, WORDS that provide our needs (not wants), WORDS that make us regular, sane and clean. 

Then there is eating the wrong sort of food; what we may call junk food. Gods WORDS are all simple truth and if we keep consuming Gods WORDS we also will try and consume good foods and drinks. There’s good foods and drinks and there’s bad foods and drinks. People who are wise eat and drink wisely. Gluttony is a sin. Gluttony is a want not a need. Sins can go down through the family tree. Dirty parents, dirty children. If you raise your children in a dirty nest full of worms and parasites (demons) then the children will be dirty. 

In our materialistic age where WANTS are more important than NEEDS and BAD food is eaten more than GOOD food and man HATES rather than LOVES – mankind is constipated and not regular. 

Being regular is a sign of being wise. Get rid of that waste and stay clean.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


December 11, 2014

I had an e mail today offering me a synthetic lawn for the front of my villa. On first looking at this e mail I took a few minutes to get my thoughts even keeled because the thought of synthetic lawn in front of my villa caused a few minutes of windy thinking. Yes I was upset. I do not want artificial lawn on my property. Artificial, synthetic, manmade, plastic, all try to smother out Mother Nature. So who is Mother Nature now? Is she a plastic barbie doll?

Years ago a photo in a woman’s magazine stood out to me. This photo was a picture of a well known Italian actress. This actress was vey old in age but in the photo she looked about 30 years old. I have heard that she has had many plastic surgeries. I mean she is now a lot plastic. Just imagine at her funeral, the priest says “plastic to plastic and a bit dust to dust”. If this actress was cremated there would be a blob of plastic left after her burning.

Girls start their initiation in to mothering by having baby dolls. These dolls are usually plastic. But there are adults that do not give up on the plastic but take it into adult life in their own lives. Plastic is artificial. There is artificial mothering. Women go in to their adult life as barbie dolls. They are barbie dolls. This actress mentioned is a barbie doll.

So we have women smothering out what is natural for what is unnatural. Synthetic is unnatural. Ageing is natural and God ordained. Grow old and enjoy it. Grow old and do not fight it.

So Mum is becoming synthetic, artificial and Manmade. Mum is becoming the barbie doll. Creation is becoming smothered in synthetic. Cover God in plastic. Replace God with synthetic.

We want our real true mothers back!!!!!!!

Mankind is replacing humans with synthetic. Replace mum and dad with manmade. Replace God the Father and Mother Nature with artificial.

But mankind is determined down this path of replacing all God made with manmade. This path is like programmed in to mankind’s psyche so nothing will change it. Mankind is determined that science (knowledge) is mankind’s answer to all problems. So is everyone more or less constipated? Eating the wrong food can mess up with our intestines. We need natural food not unnatural food because our bodies were made for natural by a natural God. Manmade can be so very unnatural. We need simple food for our simple intestines. Manmade can be so complex. Humans make themselves complex. God does not make humans complex. God speaks the simple truth. SIMPLE truth. Mankind lies.

So mankind is pursuing life outside planet earth. But life needs water and food. That’s the life I think of. I see no water outside earth. Mankind is like a whore looking for another Mother Nature. Mankind has whored with earths Mother Nature and defiled it now mankind wants to find a new mother (nature) to whore with. Mankind’s Mother Nature has become defiled (polluted). All our making of the mother into artificial is making mankind in to jerks. There is no putting mans roots deep down in to an artificial Mother Nature. Putting roots down in to plastic is just jerking. Artificial is just being a jerk. You get these women that look like sex sirens – I am afraid to say but such women are just jerks. Pornography is just for immature jerks. There is no deep relationship in pornography.

I see mankind and his pursuit for life outside earth as vain. But what is mankind’s demise? Will it be when our solar systems sun dies out? I do not know, no one knows yet. The mind boggles at such questions. Will mankind send robots to far out journeys in to space? Why send humans when robots can exist up there.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.