NETFLIX – “Rescued by Ruby”

April 25, 2022

A thoroughly enjoyable movie. Movie is based on real life, a true story.

A dog in a animal shelter that has behavioural problems, no families want to adopt her, so the shelter plans to euthenise her but out of the blue a State Trooper keen on being in the K-9 unit adopts Ruby and with much patience trains Ruby to be one good Police dog, a far cry from Ruby’s former days. Ruby is given a second chance.

Reminds me of my life; God gave me a second chance. There’s gold in the dirt you just have to dig deep to find it. God’s people can be dirty they can even be lost souls cut off from the branch, the tree of life, but God can reattach lost souls to the living tree.

“Born again” is a second chance.

Ruby was useless, five families one by one took her but each one soon returned her to the animal shelter, she needed special help. Ruby needed love. God is love. Ruby was useless no more. Many people rejected Ruby but a State Trooper accepted her he saw worth in her. God saw worth in me.

A movie for the whole family.


Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Where is Freud when we need him, but he was a Jew not a Christian, but is that bad? The Jews also have the light

April 13, 2024

If I say Asian slant eye people are snakes then it’s me judged as being a racist. But I mean snake as in spiritual not physical. I mean snake as inner not outer. I cannot help that I saw snake predominantly in slant eye Asian people, it just was/is so.

So the Palestinians are getting a raw deal now.

The descendants of Ismael are a mistake. The Jews are also making a mistake. Haggai should never have been offered to Abraham to impregnate. Sarah put a “spanner in the works”. Sarah offered her slave woman Haggai to her husband Abraham. Where’s Freud when we need him. Freudian psychology is based on sex. Freudian psychology is a polite way to talk about sex without trying to sound dirty re perverse. And what could have Freud done to help then. Nothing. A cock up is just that a cock up, as Freud would say and in polite terms.

The Jews are making a mistake by not accepting Jesus Christ. Christ came foremost for the Jews. The Jews though rejected Jesus, not all though, some accepted Him. The “self righteous” Jews reject Jesus. The Pharisees (self righteous) turned on Jesus in vengeance and asked Governor Pilate to kill Jesus. Pilate obliged so as to keep the peace with the Jews. But first Pilate washed his hands in front of the crowd absolving himself of all guilt of this murder and said the blood be on the Jews and their descendants. Jesus then turned to the non Jews the gentiles and the likes of Apostle Paul were sent to the gentiles.

So we have a cock up and we have a rejection and murder of Christ. And you ask why is there trouble. Humans make their own trouble.

Slant eyed people may be the original genuine snakes but this does not imply that slant eyed people are the only snake people.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Jesus a Jew and of the Promise

April 13, 2024

Is Penny Wong actually saying to negotiate with Hamas on a two sovereign state set up or does she mean negotiate with the Palestinian Government like the one on the West Bank for a two sovereign state set up.

Maybe give Gaza to the Palestinians on condition they give up authority over all parts of the West Bank. This might mean the Palestinians leaving the West Bank for Gaza; a momentous move of great logistics; it will involve all Palestinians moving from their homes on the West Bank for new homes in Gaza. Big apartment blocks can be built in Gaza.

Negotiations cannot be done with Hamas. Hamas have proved they are brutal beyond redemption; indiscriminate savage killing of innocents. Israel’s rap sheet is being spoiled not so much with so called terrorist savage atrocities but with killing of many innocents. Israel’s redemption is that they are after Hamas a known terrorist organisation that uses human shields like the sick.

In war it’s a known that civilians die. To get at the weeds and pull them up lots of good plants are pulled up in the process. It can not be helped.

The Palestinians should give up the West Bank and all Jerusalem. Jerusalem has Old Testament Jewish sentiments and religious importance. Palestinians are Muslims and their place of religious importance is Mecca. Both Jew and Muslim Arabs are half brothers. Islam has to give up Jerusalem and a two sovereign state then is possible. The Jews are not trying to stop Islam from worshipping at Mecca but Islam is trying to stop the Jews having Jerusalem as their religious place of worship.

If the Palestinians move out of the West Bank and Jerusalem to Gaza (a Palestinian sovereign State) then Israel can with many other nations help rebuild Gaza. This solution obviously is not permanent but it’s a solution even if it’s not water right. Both half brothers will still fight.

All solutions have to be the simple truth. Remove all the lies. Repent; confess. Don’t put complex on top of complex. Don’t put band aid on top of band aid. Take off the layers of complexity and get to the simple beginning. There is your solution. Mathematics knows when working out complex algebra equations to go to the simplex answer. Einstein’s E = mc square is a simplex answer. Take away the bull shit. Take away the man made creations. God is the beginning. God is the simplex beginning. The beginning is straight thinking. Straight is pure without mankind’s interventions. God made simplex but mankind makes complex.

To understand the whole Universe you have to go to the smallest simplex one – the beginning. To understand the end go to the beginning. Small became big. Small was first.

Understanding is very simple if you see. The more you see the more you understand. Prophets are called seers; they see. But prophets can sin thus they get dim eyed and thus dim the whole Universal Christ Body.

The Jews are as much cause of this problem as the Palestinians. God sent His only begotten Son to bring a New Will to the people of God. Many or most Jews have never accepted God’s New Will. The Jews in mass have never accepted Jesus Christ as God’s Son. So the Jews are living an archaic system that they should not be living in. Zionism is not the New Will of God. The Patriarch Abraham sinned by begetting Ishmael but the Jews are sinning by not accepting Jesus Christ as God the Son. The Jews called Jesus Christ a blasphemer and got the Roman’s to kill Him.

There’s lots of bullshit from the Jews as well as from the Palestinians.

Important to Note:

I am very pro Jewish. I am not Jewish I am a Christian. But I think God still loves the Jews. I do not think God has given up on the Jews. The Jews are still God’s people. Abraham and his descendants are of the Promise. The descendants of Ishmael are not of the Promise. Jesus was a Jew. We Christians “born again” are of the Promise of Christ a Jew. We have the Mind/Soul of Christ.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Jesus Christ brought us a New Will. The Old Will is now obsolete. If a person makes a will and later makes another will the old will is now not valid. The new will is valid. Simple. Israel is trying to carry on the Old Will that is invalid, a sad state of affairs. Simple.

April 13, 2024

There’s no good solution for Zionist Israel and the Palestinians. Zionist Israel is an Old Testament Will. There is no Israel State in a New Testament Will. We don’t go to Jerusalem to pray to God. God is within. God is in us. Our Universal Body / body is the Temple of God. God does not live in a Temple in Jerusalem. God may have domiciled in the Main Temple in Jerusalem in the old days but it may have been through an Angel of God. God lives now in a living Temple. We are that Temple. We have God in our hearts and above. We don’t pray as the Pharisees pray we don’t put on a physical show, we are human spirit we pray in spirit (from in heart) to God above, we have a relationship with the Holy Spirit with our human spirit.

Zionism is Old Testament. Zionism is the Moses Law. Christ supersedes the Law. Christ is the Wisdom of God. Christ’s Wisdom is supreme. The Law is for sinners. Law will remain as long as sin remains. People need Wisdom of Christ to break away from the Laws. To be Wise of Christ means not sinning. The more Wisdom of Christ you have the less you sin.

Christ has no sin in Him. Israel is living the Law of the Old Testament. Israel’s Patriarch Abraham did a cock up according to Freudian psychology. Abraham begat a child out of God’s Will. This child was not blessed like that of Abraham’s child Isaac. Isaac was a child of the Promise of God. These two children and their descendants are at animosity with each other till death. There is no good solution. The mess was done, the big cock up.

There’s no Zionism in the New Testament. Jews are of the Old Testament. Christ a Jew brought in the New Testament. We follow the New Will not the Old Will. The Old Will is out of date, archaic.

The Jews and Old Testament had the State of Israel. We got a religious State. A State is of the world. A State signifies the physical. We in Christ have no worldly State. Christ is in us Spiritually. Our Body is the living home of God’s Spirit. The Old Testament is more physical, Law is more about the physical, Law is more about the outer not the inner. God came in to us, God Emmanuel; that is the New Will.

The Christian Church predominantly the Catholics set up a State a religious State in Rome Italy. We have the Vatican. The Church here over time reverted back to the world and the outer nature of religion not the innner nature. The outer nature of religion is for the Pharisees. Pharisaical is “self righteousness”. Self is the ego. Christ was never one to set up a religious State like Israel. Religion over years moves away from the Spiritual towards the physical. The Vatican is a State and it’s about money and status and position. God’s Kingdom is not of this world. The Vatican is very much of this world.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

It’s always best to prepare well in advance. The wise prepare. Remember the parable of the virgin women holding the oil lamps. Some were wise, others were foolish.

April 13, 2024

Time is the essence in this world; timelessness is the essence in heaven. Time is money; money is the true real main essence in this world.

Time is the essence (of this world).
Time is money (of this world).
Time = essence.
Essence = time.
Time = money.
Money = time.
So it concludes that money is the essence (of the world) because time is money and time is the essence.

I had a part “out of body” experience. True. True, true. I was lying down trying to sleep, I was awake yet resting. I sat up. I sat up and I was still lying totally physically down. An invisible side of me sat up. True. I tell the truth. Obviously I have an inner me in my full total body and head. Do I call this inner me a spiritual me? I do not know. But I am telling this here to explain time. In my part risen state I perceived timelessness. There was no time. I only considered this timeless factor later on in reflection. So in hindsight I reflected it was a timelessness that I experienced. Immortal has no time, mortal is about time. Mortal dies; dust to dust ashes to ashes. Immortal does not die. Immortal is eternal.

In the world time and money control our lives. We are driven by time and money. It’s push push and push in vocations of our choosing but not God’s choosing we are mere actors acting out jobs not ours to do. We work in other people fields. But these other peoples fields also have mostly actors so we work for actors. Everyone is acting. We might know our true God vocation but do not do it, why? Money. We go where the money is, the status is, the glorified position is. Our God vocation might be simple.

We want complex challenges we want to conquer a field that is not ours to have so we push and push to get in to a fit not ours to fit in to so we get sick. Why people do not like a simplex fit but would prefer a complex fit is mainly because of money. The essence of life in the world is money. We are a byproduct of an education system that glorifies intelligence and money and physical looks and physical strength. The education system corrodes our perception on what our God vocation is. God is the Creator the head but we are taught just about creation, the body. The body rules, creation rules.

Then we have science that we think makes us very clever. Science is just about the physical not the spiritual. We are taught that the physical is all there is. Science is not about the spiritual and not about God above. Science leads people to worship the creation not the Creator. Atheists adore science. Science is the quasi-religion of atheists. Atheism puts famous scientists on pedestals.

We must recognise an inner body the inner person. We are a spirit and soul in a spiritual body in a physical mortal body. We are more than just physical. We are not damned to die but to carry on living. Science is not about faith. It takes faith to believe in the “after life”. We leave our mortal bodies. Science does not save the soul. God’s Son Jesus Christ saves the soul. The Bible is not a science text book. The Bible feeds the soul and spirit. The Bible scriptures are supposed to be God Spirit inspired. So the Scripture is for our spirit, God Spirit to human spirit. A true relationship with God is our spirit to God Spirit vice versa. Our soul is saved above.

Timelessness is the essence of heaven.
Timelessness is without money.
There is no time in heaven.
There is no money in heaven.

If you say you are saved then you should not be limited by time. If you are saved you have external life, live it then.

You eat of science you think you are so clever. You use science to rape the Mother (Earth). Science does good as well. Science tries to heal and do good to Mother (Earth). Science is about doing good and evil, both, to the body. We are in a created body. Science helps the body but it also destroys the body. Science can be so very good and yet it can be so very destructive. Science cancels itself out. Good cancels out evil and evil cancels out good, it’s all in the physical.

Just as in a nuclear war, good versus evil vice versa, both sides lose, there is no winner. The winning is not in the physical the winning is in the spiritual. We save our souls through the Spiritual. God is Spirit. God Spirit saves the soul.

We must be in the truth. If you are in your wrong field of work then you are in complex, you are confused and things are complicated. You are endlessly pushing in a wrong fit, you have no time to reflect on the “after life” or God. You are trying to keep up a presence that’s not yours to be in. You have no time to consider God and the simplex truth. You have to keep up the act. You want the money. Money controls you. You love money not God.

The End Times will see complexity dying. Science will lead the world to death. We will only have the simplex left. We have the Tree of Life to eat of. We have the Bible. We have prayer. We have insight. We have Wisdom of Jesus Christ. We have the Body of Christ members. We have Faith, Love, and Hope. We have another future. Some will be called up others will stay. There might be a remnant staying behind. We have a baptism of fire, a cleansing. The remnant live on to start a new. We need to stay with the simple truth. We need to keep belief and faith in God. It came to this because the people of the world rejected God and His Son Jesus Christ. The people turned away from God. The people have become so perverse. People worship money and idols and people worship people’s bodies.

This life on this earth is a preparation for our immortal life in the “next life”. On earth we prepare for a journey. Fools say in their hearts “there is no God”. You need Faith to believe in heaven and hell. Be faithful to God above.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

The answer in Freudian talk and then the Prophet speaks

April 13, 2024

Sigmund Freud what would you say on all this?

It looks in all aspects to be one big giant cock up.
You obviously mean it metaphorically.
I speak a lot metaphorically but sometimes I speak literal. You have to decide the difference.
But Freud, is not a cock up perverse speech?
Look if you have read all my writings you see that just about all of them have an underline theme of a cock up.
You mean our conscious and subconscious fall over a cock up.
I write and speak I leave the conclusions to the listeners.
But Freud please explain more don’t leave us in mid air.

The Prophet now speaks:

Look we call God the God Head for a reason. You have a head I have a head, all humans have a head, the head is the head (god) of us, God is the supreme head of us, we in God are each gods. We in God each have a god head. We must align with the god head to the God Head. We have conscience to help us. Con the above head with inner science the inner knowledge. To be aligned with the God Head we can be called wise, that’s truly wise. Fools pander to their mortal flesh desires. The Wise submit to God, the God Head, god head to God Head.

I am a Prophet. The Church are more inclined to not listen to true Prophets because the Prophets warn the people and instruct on God’s will. People want nice things to hear, not to know their sins. Pastors are paid by their Congregations to preach and teach but not to warn and correct. Pastors might find themselves out of a job if they preach God’s will.

Prophets see, they see other peoples sins and they see their own sins. Prophets seeing their own sins often brings them to deep remorse and repentance. Prophets can sin and dim the light in the Universal Body of Christ.

Prophets are the eyes of the Universal Body of Christ. Prophets see so the Body sees through the Prophets eyes. Prophets can be false prophets they can lead the people away from God. The eyes of the Prophets are the lamps for the Universal Christ Body.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

The Conclave led by the Spirit of God??? It’s more political scheming as Francis suggests.

April 13, 2024

In 2005, Francis said, he was “used” by cardinals who wanted to block the election of Benedict — then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger — and that they managed to sway 40 out of 115 votes. The idea wasn’t to elect the Argentine but rather to force a compromise candidate after knocking Ratzinger out of the running, he said.

“They told me afterward that they didn’t want a ‘foreign’ pope,” — in other words, a non-Italian one — Francis said, making clear that the process wasn’t so much about the Holy Spirit inspiring cardinals as it was a cold, hard political calculus.
Francis said he put an end to the maneuvering by announcing that he wouldn’t accept being pope, after which Ratzinger was elected.

[Above from news article].

So much for the Cardinals trying to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in electing a Pope. So are the Cardinals in the Conclave praying for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit or is the Conclave a fast a fake where the election of the Pope is all political and scheming? Is it all human wisdom and nil Christ Wisdom? Pope Francis answers some of those questions in his book.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

With progress comes waste then later we need a world cleansing. Regrettably (or a blessing) we have only 2 world cleansings, no more. All good (but it was/is good and evil) things come to an END.

April 13, 2024

I think smaller modular nuclear reactors have merit. One of these or a few could energise one whole city. Okay nuclear is dangerous but so are lightening bolts. Small modular nuclear reactors are not so dangerous as big reactors.

With Capitalism you can not exist just on renewable energy sources. Capitalism takes and gives back little. Mother Nature is always giving but she is not really giving voluntarily we are taking by force (maybe bullying) above and beyond what we need for civilisation being civil. We need a balance with Mother Nature to keep the world sane. Humans take and give little in return. Mother Nature is getting raped and abused to feed Capitalism. Humans want materialism. It is make, make and make. Mother Nature is being raped to take from her all her assets she is being raped to bare nakedness. To make all the materialism humans need energy and need the earths elements.

Climate Change is a result of an imbalance in Mother Nature. We take but do not give back. We are taking too much we take above our needs we take to satisfy our wants/desires. It’s called “Progress”. Science aids and abets Progess. But progress can be very selfish. Progress can be mainly wants. We need to give much back to Mother Nature to give her balance. The raping of Mother Earth is indicative of men raping women. Men abuse and rape women, it’s called sex, but alas because men do not give we get an imbalance, it’s sex not love. God is love. Without God it’s sex but not love. Godless people can not truly love. God is the source of true love. A lot of relationships are about sex but not true love. So we get a lot of divorces after the lust has dried up.

Renewable energy is good but with capitalism humans cannot achieve total energy from just renewables. Mother Nature will resist until the Father of the Heavens calls it a day and says no more raping the Mother of All.

Now capitalism is probably the best economic system available. But humans take more than give so we get an imbalance. If humans had more self control capitalism and its accumulation of wealth would not be so dangerous to the Mother (Mother Earth/Mother Nature). We see how humans as children take and take from their mothers and when these children become adults they take and take from Mother Nature and Mother Earth. We must learn as children to respect mothers and fathers.

The mother gets abused so the father eventually steps in and calls it a day. A RESET. Call it ARMEGEDDON. Call it the End of the World.

Hopefully after this End of the World we get a New Heaven and a New Earth. We get a FIRE that burns down most of the man made created world. After this End this Baptism this Cleansing we might see people arise from the ashes, people who survived the BiG FiRE and carry on. We had some survivors of the FIRST BAPTISM, Noah and his family. Hopefully this next BAPTISM more people will survive than just an extended one family.

It’s commonsense to think there are two Baptisms, water and fire. We have two Spiritual baptisms, one water and one fire (both metaphorically). So it makes sense we have two physical baptisms, one water and one fire. The physical baptisms are more literal whereas the Spiritual baptisms are more metaphorical. Meta = beyond, more Spiritual, the invisible; it’s metaphorical and metaphysical. It’s beyond the physical to the Spiritual. We have a Spiritual side and we have physical side. We have the invisible and we have the visible. But we must keep in mind the invisible came first and the invisible made the visible.

After the FIRE 🔥 BAPTISM the burning of the world we get reset back to the manufacturers settings. God is the manufacturer. We go back to simplex. Simplex is the beginning. We then have none or little science left. Life is simple just like in the Garden of Eden. Science with all its man made creations will be useless.

But will man after the Fire Baptism eventually return to his old ways and go complex and science oriented again? But there is no third Baptism. Jesus might come soon before man goes back to his complex former life, Jesus is said to rule on Earth for a thousand years. We can have a simplex peaceful life with Jesus ruling on the Earth.

Now I do not know the future. The book of Revelation is only understood in phases meaning the understanding is locked from our minds and only released at certain times at God’s discretion. The Angels of God unlock the understanding when God commands, so that we only know the future when God says so and not before. All these so called authors of books preaching about these prophesies in the book of Revelation are trying to give understanding when it is not there’s to give. So; many parts of the book of Revelation are sealed.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

THE DOCTRINE OF PROSPERITY – is about the love of money, a sign of weakness aka immaturity

April 13, 2024

The Trump Pentecostal Religion. Pentecostals adore Trump. Trump is like a god of gods to Pentecostals. Pentecostals love all the razz and dazzle to do with religion; lots of money, the show, the loud music, the look at me, the body show, the leaders who act macho and are rich and adore money. Hey a prerequisite to being a Pentecostal Pastor is first you buy a BMW car; it’s a status car, it means you are prosperous.

So the Pentecostals leaders have to abide by prosperity, you must show signs of worldly wealth. The congregation want to be wealthy so they expect their leaders to be wealthy. Pentecostals love wealth, they even have their own “doctrine of prosperity”. To prosper for Pentecostals is a sign of God’s blessings. Never mind that Jesus just had one set of clothes the clothes (one piece) that he was wearing (maybe also an under garment as well). Jesus carried no money. The coveting of money makes people betray Jesus just like Judas loved money and betrayed Jesus.

The Pentecostals are in to “speaking in tongues” a prerequisite to being “saved” and they are in to money, lots of it, they have their own “doctrine of prosperity”. Pentecostals are also in to demons, it’s a demon under every rock. It’s like a person who is anti germs and has a phobia about getting germs on them and they are ever so washing themselves to remove germs.

Trump has highjacked the Republican Party. Trump is dictator of this Party. The Republican Party is in name only it’s really now the Trump Party.

Trump could start up his own religion and you know what many Pentecostals would follow him. Trump could become a Pastor. Trump would though find it hard living with his hypocrisy. Even Trump has a conscience. I mean you can live a lie for just so long as you live with trying to live a lie, it’s the trying with effort, it’s the spinning of the lie, it takes time and effort and there’s always the people who see the lie and living with that makes it embarrassing.

I married a Roman Catholic woman. I am no Pentecostal. I have fellowshipped with many Pentecostals in the past. I could never last long being married to a Pentecostal. Pentecostals seem to not have the orthodox authority. Pentecostals assume they have the authority but their only main gift is speaking in tongues. The God Wisdom does not lie (rest/sleep) [metaphor] with Pentecostalism. The Spirit of Wisdom is deeper and has more insight than Pentecostalism could ever have.

Pentecostalism is the fringe of Christian religion, it’s the fringe of a greater Tree but they lack cohesive Wisdom and Understanding. Pentecostalism being the fringe lack strength they blow around in the wind they are not strong like the trunk or mainline branches. Pentecostals are like Tree twigs that blow about in the wind this means they are more inclined to believe in conspiracy theories. These people come across as immature they lack the Wisdom and Understanding of the solid trunk and mainline branches. The blessings of Pentecostalism is that being the fringe they have the fruit and leaves. The leaves are for healing. The fruit is the fruit of the Spirit of God and are virtues and graces.

The growth of the Christian Tree seems to now rely entirely on the growth of the fringe. The trunk and branches might be at their full maturity. Might I say, I guess. Evangelism is now left to the fringe. The maturity of this Tree of Christianity means that in its full maturity the Tree is ready to be “harvested”.

Can you see the Tree of Christianity? Can you see this Tree’s growth? Can you see how mature this Tree is? Can you see through the Prophet’s eyes? The Prophet’s of God are the “seers”, they see and understand. The Prophet sees danger and warns the Body members. The Prophet teaches/preaches God’s Will. You in the Universal Body of God are blind without the Prophets. You need the Prophets to see. We are just members of a Universal Body we each have our Spiritual gifts from God. Prophets sin though and can make a dim witted Body.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

What is this FIRE baptism?

April 13, 2024

Fire destroying the world. No one seems to know. Do I know? Of course not.

I speculate that the FIRE is caused by nuclear weapons, it’s of course pure conjecture. Would mankind be its own worst enemy? Would mankind turn all out on it’s own kind? Some say the FIRE is a comet or asteroid. Some say the dinosaurs were destroyed by some asteroid etc; but we have no proof so it’s all conjecture.

So the world is very close to an existential moment. The scientists have their Doomsday Clock. This clock eventuated after the atomic bombing of two cities in Japan in 1945.

Science say the End of the world aka fire baptism is caused by (1) nuclear weapons or (2) asteroid or (4) climate change or (6) ice age.

We can probably say no to an ice age.

But nuclear weapons seem most likely to End the world. Again I say it’s conjecture.

What is mankind’s worst enemy? Him or her self. Our ego self is our worst enemy. Oh you might say Satan is our worst enemy. Maybe so. Maybe both Satan and our sinful ego self are our enemies. We are fighting off self and Satan. Self is selfish and being selfish counters the good that God does.

Does Putin want to harness Ai for evil.

Ai is technology yes but it is also knowledge it is science. Science brought about Ai. Science is knowledge. Ai will be used for good and evil. Science is the mother of all creation knowledge. Evil people exist; evil people use knowledge for evil. Good people exist; good people use knowledge for good. But it all cancels itself out / good and evil. You have more good you get more evil vice versa. You can not have just good without evil vice versa. Good exists because there is evil vice versa. We know good when we know evil vice versa. The good we do we know it’s good because we know what is evil.

Evil and good are opposites the universe is based on opposites. We have light and dark. We can not have light if there is no dark. The light fills the dark. The dark exists only when the light is turned off. Was dark first before the universe? Dark may have been first. The Big Bang brought light. We have the stars.

The stars are burning hydrogen. Hydrogen gives light to the universe. Is hydrogen the father of all elements? Maybe, I do not know but it is possible. The energy to make the universe may have been hydrogen. God turned on the light He initiated the Big Bang. God invisible made the visible. The simple came first and hydrogen is a simplex element. Simple becomes complex. One becomes many. But does God change properties? I think not. God does not change. God is one simplex, He does not become many He is One and stays One. The universe the mother of God’s creation gets complex. The mother creation looks complex.

The simplex existed first, the simplex is the Father of all the complex. Hydrogen is the simplest element. Hydrogen maybe the father of all elements. E = Mc square. E equals energy. The energy made mass. Was this energy hydrogen? I just conjecture. Energy was here first. Was hydrogen here first? We had a big bang an explosion a massive fire ball. Hydrogen may have been that energy here first to fuel the Big Bang.

Hydrogen is the ace of all ace energy. Will hydrogen fire up and destroy the world? Will mankind destroy the world or will God use a more natural way to destroy the world? The sun maybe, what about flares from the sun? Conjecture. There are hydrogen weapons. We can only surmise.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


April 13, 2024

Eat and live – keep it simple

To learn off Jesus is simplex. Jesus is straightforward simplex truth. The Bible is simplex truth.

People try and make science the simplex truth and Christ aka God the complex truth. People try and make science “The way, the truth and the life” and they make Christ and the Bible a fairy tale. People say science saves the world. But science will also destroy the world. Christ saves the soul for eternity. Science saves no souls for eternity.

I have been told I am a “Straight thinker”. I do not think up and down like most people. Straight thinkers need the simple truth not the complex truth. The Bible scriptures come easy to a straight thinker whereas complex text books come hard to a straight thinker. Text books are science. Text books are complex.

Is not the world’s education a true anomaly. We should be following Christ not human flesh. No kissing arse and licking boots. Human wisdom is eating flesh of mortals. Dead human flesh, decaying, dying flesh. Eat of Christ’s flesh and live, live for eternity.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


April 13, 2024

Science text books are food for many but it’s complex food. Christ is simplex food.

We have a complex world because of science. The 2 Trees in the Garden of Eden. One Tree Simplex – Life, the other Tree complex – death.

Simplex is straight truth it is all good. Complex is complicated, it has some truth but some lies, both good and evil.

Pure honey is simplex.

The Garden of Eden was a simplex garden. No weeds just good plants (except for the one the Tree of death). Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of complexity aka the Tree of death aka the Tree of good and evil. So God banished Adam and Eve out of the simplex garden to a complex garden outside Eden where there were both weeds and good plants. Now Adam had to weed; such is hard work. Weeds are bad. So we have Adam and Eve gardening in a garden of good and evil.

So people to learn of science have a complicated complex job of weeding out the weeds, pull out the evil weeds so as to learn the good to feed off the good plants.

To learn off Jesus is simplex. Jesus is straightforward simplex truth. The Bible is simplex truth.

People try and make science the simplex truth and Christ aka God the complex truth. People try and make science “The way, the truth and the life” and Christ and the Bible a fairy tale.

I have been told I am a “Straight thinker”. I do not think up and down like most people. Straight thinkers need the simple truth not the complex truth. The Bible scriptures come easy to a straight thinker whereas complex text books come hard to a straight thinker. Text books are science. Text books are complex.

Is not the world’s education a God true anomaly. We should be following Christ not human flesh. No kissing arse and licking boots. Human wisdom is eating flesh of mortals. Dead flesh, decaying, dying flesh. Eat of Christ’s flesh and live, live for eternity.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


April 13, 2024

I don’t trust these cryptocurrencies and would not believe all the hype of making lots of money from them.

To me it’s like there’s so much money in the crypto system and it’s just moving money around in this system and some get more others get little the ones that get more use scamming tactics.

It’s like pyramid schemes, you need more money pumped in from the below to feed the layers of people above. So the pyramid needs lots of (people) bottom layers the more the better and the people near the pyramid top are few these few live off the people on the lower layers. The pyramid gets bigger and bigger as more bottom layers are added on thus more money being added.

The catch here is: desire for lots of money without having to work for it.

The result here is some get rich others get poor. It’s like buying lottery tickets, many people buy them, lots of money goes in, but people lose and win, some even get very rich, others spend heaps and lose lots never to win much or nothing, they get poorer.

There’s only so much money in these systems. You gamble that you will get lucky. It’s luck. Lady Luck.

When you have a partner/spouse it should be a subjective relationship, oh yes part objective, but mainly subjective. Subjective is the inner, objective is the outer. See the woman in the photo is portraying objective to the full. Without subjective there is no real union between two people. You can marry an object you can call your wife an object even a sex object but true thinking and feelings are subject. We especially need words in a relationship. So a relationship to be genuine needs words and then feelings. Relationships can be based just on words. Feelings are more about touching. But a marriage made in heaven needs words and feelings. Words first. A married couple like most relationships need words to communicate. Words are subjective. Words are inner. Words come from soul and spirit. A good marriage is one that communicates. You need words. You must be able to talk and listen to your partner. You should not marry on just feelings alone. Mind over matter. Not matter over mind. Mind first matter second. Thinking first then feelings. Head first then body.

So if someone is shoving their body in your face, their feelings in your face, their material things in your face; – be cautious. We need to have head; words. We need subjective first then objective. We need first a connection from within. Don’t marry a bimbo. Don’t marry a jerk.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

RAPE IS ABUSE the males rape their women it’s not God love how can it be when a lot of people are Godless (God is love)

April 13, 2024

My understanding of this is: to get growth in the world you need to put your roots down. So it’s rooting and rooting and rooting. And to be aggressively growing you get aggressive in rooting, it’s akin to rape. So people rape and rape and rape the female, Mother, Wife. The Mother Earth is raped.

To get rich on this earth is to rape the Earth. Rape Mother Earth. But it’s not all rooting down, you grow down you also grow up. You grow down into Mother Earth you also grow up to Father Sky. So you rape the Mother and you are led by the Father.

The Mother and Father have much riches. People rape the Mother Earth of all the riches, the minerals, the gas, the oil, anything that will contribute to man making manmade things. It’s called “Progess”. Progress is raping the Mother and abusing the Father. Raping is also abuse. The earth has many treasures. The sky has the light, sunlight. We get our light from the sun. We get our Spiritual light from above, Father God and Son God.

The richest people are those people raping the (mother) earth. Take take take. It’s called Progress. The Mothers suffer.

Andrew Forrest is heavily compromised by China and his comments on China are not to be relied on; it’s obvious, simple. Andrew gets his bread and butter from China. Andrew does not want to bite the hand that feeds him. Andrew is no real full time quisling but he is not about to want his source of money to dry up. Andrew owes all his empire to China. Andrew would now and then offer up platitudes to China to keep him in good stead with China.

I am not saying you do not put your roots down in to the Mother (female) you do, you also grow upwards. But there’s a correct way for everything. You do it in love. You give and receive. Not just take take and take. You give to the Mother and you give to the Father. Taking and not giving is abuse. You must get a balance. You have more from one you give more to the other. You love both Mother and Father. Do not abuse the Earth and Sky. Do not abuse the Earth and Heavens. Look how the Earth is being abused it just shows how the Mother is getting abused. Look how the Heavens are getting abused it just shows how the Father is getting abused.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Send robots in to space not people or nothing at all I prefer nothing at all but mankind is so curious physically

April 13, 2024

It makes sense. Besides humans should only go where water is. The earth is full of water. I don’t think there’s any water outside earth. No water no life. One heaven, one earth. One God. One universe.

Why did God make a vast vast universe and have only life on one planet? Why make all that up there? Why put all the energy in making big when you just need small? Did God reckon mankind would want to explore up there and seek other life up there? God knows everything. So space was here before the physical universe. The universe fills the space. But is space endless? When will the energy that caused the Big Bang run out of energy? And if space is endless then the universe with just so much energy will not be able to fill all space. You cannot fill all endless. Why make endless? Did God make the endless space? Why make eternal? Saved souls are saved for eternity. God is eternal. God is a mystery.

God is a God of reason. We reason to learn. We ask questions to learn. Who what where when why and how. We do not learn if we do not ask questions. We ask and we receive. Seek the truth by reason. There’s a reason for everything.

So we have space, mass, and energy. We fill space with energy and energy makes mass, we get energy and mass in space. We have this peculiar space that we do not understand. We know energy makes mass but we do not know who made the energy and we do not know who made the space. God Spirit was first. Was water here also first? Was God Spirit in water first? Or was there hydrogen gas first with God Spirit? We must have hydrogen gas or water for the God Spirit to use as energy.

Energy was used to make the universe. The energy must have been hydrogen. Hydrogen is a gas and/or it’s in water. So God Spirit used hydrogen to ignite the universe, make the Big Bang. The universe came in to being with a great big bang.

We do know the invisible made the visible. How do we know? Faith. Science does not have faith. Faith is believing the things you can not see. Seeing is believing to science. Science can lead to faithlessness. Science can lead to unbelief. Science replaces God with nothing. Science becomes the religion.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Superhuman mum

April 13, 2024

After 160km in 60 hours 40 year old collapses at the finish line becoming the first female to complete the world’s toughest race.

I think of “matter over mind”. It’s pump those muscles push push push “where there’s a will there’s a way”. Yes God gave humans Freewill.

Such pursuits are human relative. It’s all relative. But there’s physical relative and there’s spiritual relative. We are ALL related in someway. Life started simple it started One then it became many. God also is One. God stays One. We are many but One, we are One but many. God made ALL. God even made Satan and his Body. Snakes were formerly made by God. All angels good or bad were made by God. God is the only source of power.

So Mum here in running this physically demanding running course is doing it not in relative to God above but in relative to other people. People want to climb higher than other people to get higher and height gives seniority. The ones below you look up to you. Your being high gives you an advantage to see more and understand more and this is power over others.

I have not always seen life from a more Spiritual way, in the past as a youth I was too a lot about the physical. It’s only in my older age I see more from a Spiritual plain. In my past I too wanted to get above others through working hard the physical body. It was “matter over mind”. Body builders are heroes to people because they are “matter over mind”. Even church people who push the body more than the head are “matter over mind”.

What does our superhuman mum get for her success on this run? A few minutes of fame. Like a sugar rush. She will feel like on a high for maybe a couple of months as she accepts the adulation of the world. Then superhuman mum will crash as sugar rushes crash. Then it’s off to another physical conquest for superhuman mum to get another high.

People take illegal drugs to get highs. All these highs that people pursue in the physical are just feelings. The chemicals in the body interact with drugs etc to make a feeling of euphoria. These highs are probably the best way for people to feel heavenly. So to get ahead of other runners on a running course gives a feeling of euphoria as you win against other people – it’s relative between you and other people.

So people who got their wins/highs in the physical in this world – what do they say to God at the JUDGEMENT SEAT. They may plead I did not know you. They may say I was an atheist.

So to be an atheist is to deny God; it’s not really saying I do not believe in God it’s saying I deny God. It’s shutting God out. Why say I am an atheist meaning (anti) God if you do not believe in a God to be (anti) against. Why be against something that to you does not exist? So atheists start a mission to deny God and the world loves it. I do not have to prove God lives. If God lives my case rests. I do share God’s Wisdom. Christ is God’s Wisdom.

So it’s about putting the world at your feet and that includes other people. Christ is above, God put Him there. Christ is in Words. Words of God are above. God is the highest. Christ is the highest. God the Father on the left and God Jesus Christ on the right – both above in the highest.

So to get to the Top the real supreme Top is to do so in Words of God. God the Father put Christ at the Top beside Him the Father. Christ is God’s Wisdom. The Wise in Christ go up, think up, climb up, are raised.

Mean while the atheists and agnostics and humanists are trying to get higher by pursuing physical ways, alternative religions, through promotion at their career/vocation, intellectual awards, qualifications, body building. Even science. Actually science is the true pseudo religion of atheists. Atheists adore science. Boring!

But Christ is always there, waiting to be accepted and obeyed.

Christ’s high is not just a feeling it’s fact based on Word’s of God. The world gets its highs from feeling high. The body is about feelings, the head is about Words. Feelings come and go; Christ’s Words are eternal.

Be a God head, be a temple for God. Don’t be a temple of an idol. Do not worship peoples bodies. Do not worship graven images of other creatures. You will become a freak if you worship other peoples bodies. The body was never meant to rule. No body (nobody) should rule. Christ is the head. Let Christ the head rule.

“Matter over Mind” is indicative of an upside down world. It should be “Mind over Matter” and we realise this truth when Christ is the head (aka Mind) of our body. How people get it wrong – back to front and upside down. Simple.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


April 13, 2024

Ai (artificial intelligence) you can speak good sense at times. But you don’t have senses do you? You are just words, artificial words, not living words; man made words to be precise. But your explanation on the Kingdom of God gels a lot with me especially the part where you say “it is a realm……..experienced within the hearts and minds of individuals……”. Good on you Ai there’s some hope for you yet but won’t you be used to used to destroy the world so really there no hope in Ai, hah. The Dragon and Beast will use Ai. Will they not? Science will lead to DEATH. Reset, back to the simple life, back to the Tree of Life. The remaining God people will have the Bible. The simple truth.

Oh Ai will get senses no doubt. Some Ai have senses even now. But to think is another thing. And can you give Ai conscience. You may be able to programme a moral good versus bad conscience. You can programme Ai to know and accept the Bible scriptures. You can command Ai to obey the scriptures. But the Dragon and Beast can command their Ai contrary to what God’s people command their Ai.

But Al (the onboard computer) in the “2001 Space Odyssey” movie went all odd on what is right and what is wrong.

It’s interesting how Adam and Eve ate of the Knowledge of good and evil – obviously science, but it’s more so interesting that the snake though tempted Eve and thus Adam to eat of science also must have eaten of this Tree. The Bible though says nothing about the snake eating of this Tree. The snakes of today eat of science. Don’t you think so?

Science says being of Christ is simple it’s for the simple people. These science people think science is the clever way. Okay I agree, the Bible is for simple people. I am simple and I learn the scriptures as the simple truth. I accept Christ’s teaching in to my heart as the simple truth I believe in them explicitly.

I do not invite science in to my heart. I do though understand science in a way but only in an objective way. Science is out there not in my heart and mind. Science is not of the Kingdom of God. But I could be wrong. Christ is not about science. I could be wrong. Christ is Spiritual. Science is not Spiritual. Text books are not Spiritual. The Bible is Spiritual.

Ai says the Kingdom of God is in the heart and mind. It’s in not out. Science is about the physical creation so science is physical based; Christ and His Kingdom is Spiritual based. God’s Kingdom is invisible. But the invisible made the visible. God’s Spirit made the physical universe. Science does not save the soul for eternal life in heaven. Satan wants you to eat of science then you will all die. Science might bring on Armageddon. Science is the anomaly that replaced Christ. Mankind uses science to save the world and also to destroy the world. Science is strictly physical whereas the soul goes on for eternity. The physical dies.

Hearts have to eat, food yes, eat of Christ or eat of science.

So are you in the Kingdom of God, and do you carry this Kingdom around with you in your hearts and minds? Adam and Eve and their descendants were and are in this Kingdom; am I right or wrong? But don’t we have to learn to eat of the correct Tree? Is it not time to change? Sorry, it won’t happen. Too long have the people gone for the wrong food and nothing will stop them now, the world is on a path to utter destruction. I am simple you are complex. God made me simple and I stay simple. God made you simple but you became complex. Mankind has made a complex world. Simple people are not for/of this world. Simple people are for the “next life” (heaven).

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

LAW – religious and civilian

March 23, 2024

Laws stigmatise and kill, Christ heals and frees. Christ is the living embodiment of being stigmatised. Christ on the cross is the full stigmata from the law, both religious laws and civilian laws. Christ went down to raise us up.

Laws, religious and civilian, both, stigmatise people. The laws stigmatise the mentally ill. The laws bind and incarcerate the mentally ill. Mental illness is really seen not as an illness but as sins against God. People would rather think the mentally ill are axe murderers they hear voices telling them to kill people.
Such is the way of the blind leading the blind – we have the Pharisees and fundamentalists stigmatising the mentally ill, these religious people think they live above the law and that the law works for them and so when they stigmatise, the law does so too.

The law gets its power especially from the self righteous aka Pharisees. The law gets its power from the Old Testament. Christ is not the law. Christ was stigmatised (nailed to a cross) by the law, both religious and civilian. The church is full of the self righteous. The church backs up the law. Christ on the cross is the ultimate stigmata. Christ loves the mentally ill. The law is not about love. The Jews in Jesus Time on earth were the self righteous but now we have gone in a circle the Christian church has become self righteous. We have Christian Pharisees. The Christian Pharisees continue to stigmata Jesus (Emmanuel) those people receiving Christ and repenting of their sins. The Christian Pharisees are about God not Jesus.

Ultimately the civilian law works for the religious law not that the civilian law would admit to it. The Roman soldiers the civilian law submitted to the request of the religious law and killed Jesus Christ. Religion has power in numbers.

Our Western nations are Judeo/Christian based, our laws are religious and civilian. We call it a “Rules and laws based system”. The Christian Pharisees rule the religious laws. It’s a mind set. We have the younger Christian Fundamentalists vying with the Traditional Christian Pharisees in who rules. It’s a religious contest. Just as in the past the Jewish Sadducees vied with the Jewish Pharisees for control.

But true control comes from within. You control only as much as you have control over yourself – self control. The true battle is within. As long as we see God’s Kingdom as being of this world, even if it’s only part, then we are not conversant with God within.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

To be led by feelings only can be a nightmare – the head should be overall in charge

March 23, 2024

Don’t be led by the heart, be led by the head. Go head first in to life, do not go body first in to life. The heart is in the body. Be led by words especially God’s Words, do not be led by feelings.

Feelings are okay as long as they do not get out of control. But feelings should not rule, words should rule. Emotions feelings that lead can be a roller coaster ride. Be a thinker not just a feeler. Think first then feel. Be head first then follow with the body. The heart should not rule the body, the head (brain) should rule the body. Young people are more body led thus they are more feelings than thinking and body first is a flop a body flop so young people make many flops. Some adults never leave body led and stay immature most of their lives. Immature people are body led by feelings.

The body has only one sense – feelings. The head has a number of senses – seeing, hearing, tasting, and smelling. Go with the more senses, it’s clever. To just feel your way through life is the blind leading the blind.

Many people think it’s clever to lead from the heart. No wonder people get heart attacks. Lead from words, in thinking, spoken, written. We are our words. Let words lead us especially God’s Words. The head has the soul. The soul is a person in words and it’s clever to have your soul in Christ’s Words.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

It’s great at the top, you see all.

March 23, 2024

The Top of the world. In Christ. The Head. The Supreme Head. The Wise Head. The Spirit of God.

Mum my legs are hurting.
Don’t be a wuss you will be there soon.
But mum I cannot go on.
Just like your father he gives up too easily.
Mum where is dad?
Your father said he wanted to take a break.
But mum that was hours ago.
Hey talk about the loser here he comes.
Hi all, sorry for the delay, had to take a break.
Hey if we all had to take so many breaks like you we would never get there.
Hi dad.
Hey dad mum says we will be there shortly.
Yep I see the peak through the mist now.
Come on last big effort then home.
Mum I want to go home now.
David be a man. But I am a boy.
You will be a man at the top.
How come?
A man is on the top of the world. Everest is the tallest mountain and on top of it you will be on top of the world.
Stop it Carolyn with those so called so wise sayings of yours, they are not truly wise.
Do you want your son to be a loser? But on top he can face the world down.
From the top of a mountain for a few minutes?
Yes even for a few minutes the world will be below my son, but what do you care, you want your son to be like you a loser.
But I too will be on the top of the mountain.
Yes in name only but in your heart you are a loser. Come on last big effort.
I might stay here, all this the world at your feet is a bit too upsetting to me.
Okay you stay here we will meet you on the way down.
Sounds good to me.
Last few steps.
Mum look a flag.
It’s the top son. You and Jillian are at the top. All the losers are down there.
Mum you remember Lester.
Is he not one of your friends.
Yes mum. Lester said to get to the Top you get to it in Words of God, namely Jesus Christ.
What? You believe that nonsense.
But Lester is so convincing.
A charlatan no doubt.
Dad told me once that Lester talks good sense.
Lester is a no hoper just like your father.
I might say a prayer.
No time for that come on David and Jillian let’s get off this mountain. Get back down to the glory. Just imagine it, your friends and class mates will swoon over you.
How’s that mum?
You had everyone at your feet.
But Lester says you must get the world at your feet through Words of God. Lester says Wisdom of Christ gets you to the Top. God put all Christ’s enemies at Christ’s feet. God is Spirit. God is in Words.
Stop it! Ah there’s your father.
How was it?
Your children and I had the world at our feet but you no not you, you think you know better.
Look Carolyn you are stuffing our children with nonsense. Only one person got to the top and that was Jesus Christ. God the Father raised Jesus His Son to the top. God put all Christ’s enemies at His feet. When we get Christ’s Wisdom we too have the world at our feet.
Now you are pushing me.
Hopefully in to the truth.
What’s truth?
Simple. The simple truth.
We must get off this mountain or we might die. The clouds are gathering up.
If we had chosen Lester’s way to the top we would not have to worry about clouds.
Come on walk faster.
Ah there’s the other sherpas. Not long now then base camp and then home.
Lester said when he gets to the Top he stays there.
That lazy know it all. Son you must choose your friends wisely.
I hear a stream, it’s base camp, just a few more minutes. I see all the tents.
But mum I don’t feel like all my enemies are at my feet.
Look you did it. We have the science on our side.
What science mum?
The proof in the physical. I took some photos and video up on the top.
But Lester says the real Top is in the Spiritual not the physical. Lester says science is just about the physical.
Oh yer and Lester is some sort of Spiritual saint is he?
I think he talks sense.
Science is the way, the truth, and the life.
Hey mum that’s funny.
Lester said exactly similar words but he said “Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.
Finally we are there. Drop all your packs, give them to the sherpas. We did it we conquered the world.
Dream on Carolyn.
You are a loser like David’s friend Lester.
Just a short walk to the road and out. I can not wait to tell all my friends I was at the top of the tallest mountain. Just imagine their envy. Ha I did it. We did it. Not your father though, a born loser.

Christ is the True Way to the Top; all the other ways are vanity.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

2 Peter 3 ……..

March 23, 2024

Albert Einstein said mass makes energy. You get energy from mass. So we get the atomic bomb. Aka nuclear bomb. But mass was not first in the universe; energy was first. Energy makes mass, mass makes energy. Energy made the universe. But what was this energy? We know the suns are the most powerful energy in the universe. Suns are burning hydrogen. So hydrogen is the most powerful energy. We can get hydrogen from water and water is life. Was water here first in the universe or was hydrogen gas here first in the universe? The earth and heavens were made out of water. Was there a vast ocean of water existing before the creation of the universe? I surmise. But it makes sense. But I do not know.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

2 Peter 3

March 23, 2024

“The earth was formed out of water and by water”. Maybe water existed before the creation of the universe. Or did hydrogen gas exist then. Hydrogen I think is the key energy used to create the universe. Hydrogen is in water. But I do not know, I surmise.

“And the heavenly bodies will be melted by the heat”. The saints are the stars, we shine like stars. We are the heavenly stars. I speak metaphorically. So does the heat vaporise (melt) our bodies. Like in a nuclear explosion. I surmise the fire will be caused by nuclear weapons. What about the sun? Could God use the sun to be the fire to burn the earth.

Water and fire. The 2 Baptisms. Baptisms clean.

Albert Einstein said mass makes energy. You get energy from mass. So we get the atomic bomb. Aka nuclear bomb. But mass was not first in the universe; energy was first. Energy makes mass, mass makes energy. Energy made the universe. But what was this energy? We know the suns are the most powerful energy in the universe. Suns are burning hydrogen. So hydrogen is the most powerful energy. We can get hydrogen from water and water is life. Was water here first in the universe or was hydrogen gas here first in the universe? The earth and heavens were made out of water. Was there a vast ocean of water existing before the creation of the universe? I surmise. But it makes sense. But I do not know.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Jesus never went to school, is that not wise, hah.

March 23, 2024

School can be so morally filthy. I mean what is school supposed to be about? Knowledge, yes but what knowledge. School certainly does not teach Wisdom. Oh yer you get schools universities especially going on about how their education imparts wisdom to their students but wisdom is not science.

Science is taught at schools. Science is knowledge. Science is knowledge of the physical universe. Science is not wisdom as such like moral learning. You learn few morals at school when you are indulged in science. Science is not morals. The 2 Trees in the Garden of Eden, one was truly God’s Wisdom the other Tree was science. Mankind does not overly have a relationship with God their Creator. Mankind just learns about the creation (not the Creator) and mankind also takes God’s place and becomes the creator and is God. Humanism takes the place of Christ’s Wisdom. Christ is not honoured, man honours himself. Man honours man. School is not about Jesus. No wonder Jesus never went to school. Jesus is not wanted in schools. You speak or write about Jesus in schools and your grades are marked down.

School does not honour or glory Jesus Christ. You dishonour the Son then you dishonour the Father. The Father is in the Son, the Son is in the Father. Schools dishonour both God Jesus and the Father God. Schools don’t want God in their teaching. The God head is supreme yet schools avoid it. School makes their own head based on humanism (human wisdom). We have schools training students to be worldly not heavenly.

To learn about the creation you need to learn about the Creator first. All your learning must glory the God head. It’s God first then creation. It’s head first then body. To learn about creation without acknowledging the Creator is limp. How can you debase your human spirit like that. You need a strong human spirit. You don’t want a weak heart a limp human spirit. Human spirit is in the heart. Soul might be above, a head thing. Heart might be on the level of the earth the world and head might be on the level of heaven (I speak metaphorically here). So to dismiss the head and think you are just body is obviously not clever. You are not just body as there is not just creation. The body has a head and the creation has a Creator. The Creator is called God. The head is in charge not the body. You learn head first not body first. Do you have a God head? Are you of God? Or are you of Satan? The Dragon? Are you a snake? The internal snake? I write to edify God’s people not the Dragon’s people. I am a Prophet to God’s people.

Body people are body flops, even at education. Okay you say you have high intelligence. But you in your exalted high intelligence can still get a weak heart, a limp human spirit. Are you clever now? No one can out clever the God head. The Creator is above you the above rules. The body does not rule the head. You glory body builders you glory those who exercise their bodies day and night. But it’s the head you need to glory. Spiritual exercises must come always before physical body exercises. God is Spirit. We must exercise in spirit to God Spirit.

You can never find contentment glorifying the body and creation. No matter how much you try to put the body first you can never, never, be content, you may try everything you can think of to get contentment in the body but if you forgo the God head you fail. Your whole life can be push push push like pushing from the time you awake in the morning to the time you go to sleep in the evening trying to fit in to a niche that is not God’s will for you. You won’t fit and the pushing can just make you unhealthy.

Wisdom of Christ shows you God’s will, but no, you want body glory the worlds glory you want lots and lots of money and you want POSITION. The worldly are all about POSITION. Position is about labeling, and the world’s people compete for the best labels. Position and the craving for it is not about God’s Will. God’s Will is simple. You have to give up on all idols so you can see properly God’s will. But people go for the money. In a vocation it’s about money. God’s Will is simple. But people crave for challenge in the physical it’s wanting excitement (it’s wanting to feed your body desires).

People think it’s clever to crave for complexity until later in their life they realise it was really simplicity that makes you content. Only older people see the light. Older people die more to their destructive body lusts and have fewer idols and see the better path to take. Too late now you are too old to do God’s Will. Old people get dementia and forget all their learning education of creation, they forget all the science, they do not worship people’s bodies now, their bodies are weak and frail, they see the stupidity in body worship and glorifying the body.

We must prepare for heaven when we are young not when we are old. We must sow and plant and reap for the heavens. We keep our treasures above. We are head people not body people. We are Creator people not creation people. We are head first not body first. We need to teach our children the truth. Keep it simple. But still adults do not see the light. Still adults worship and love money. No matter how much you teach and preach God, people will still go for the money. I hope they do not have bad hangovers from their drinking of too much alcohol. Or is alcohol not your poison, maybe some other drugs. We all make our own choices in life. The true Wise prepare for heaven. Fools regale in their own cleverness, they think they know it all. Fools think they are wise and they think that there is no God. Just as the body is far too clever for the head??

Crucify the sinful self. The Word of God and Spirit of God crucify the sinful self. Die to your old sinful nature. Get renewed in a Christ nature. Die to the old bad habits come down from your parents and ancestors. Have a soul of Christ a Mind of Christ.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Perth; not Scotland Perth; Australia Perth; but named after the Scottish Perth. My part story of mum and dad.

March 23, 2024

Years back my Mum used to regale us young kids about Perth. Beautiful Perth with the Swan River and black swans on it and the wonderful Perth weather. We saw these beautiful pictures. Alas the swans have had to make way for progress. The Liberal Political Party go on about progress like they know what’s good for us. Money first to these Liberals.

The river now must have much pollutants; another sign of progress especially of a gigantic City like Perth. I hate to think what’s in the water and I am not about to find out you won’t see me swimming in it.

Mum was a Fremantle girl. Fremantle, Perth. My grandparents (Mum’s parents) were high brow Anglican intelligentsia, my grandfather particularly. My grandparents were gifted in some way. My grandparents were of the establishment set they hobbled and nobbled with those of a cleaner breeding. Grandad was a professional, he had an accountants qualification and worked for the Town Hall (aka Fremantle City Council), he I think was the chief accountant here. Grandad was a hard worker and successful. The family moved to Rarotonga (Cook Islands) when mum was a young adult. Mums brother my uncle stayed in Perth. My uncle also became an accountant. My uncle married the local Anglican Minister’s daughter. In Rarotonga grandad and grandma managed a hotel. Mum worked for the Cook Islands Government as a typist. Mums sister was here too but maybe too young to work.

Did my father marry up? My mum’s family certainly were more of the head than my father’s family. My father’s family were not real intelligentsia and neither professionals and neither much educated. My father’s family were not of any particular religion they were body people not head people. There were no bright shining sparks here.

There was a great contrast between my mother’s family and my father’s family. One seemed Godly and blessed and gifted the other seemingly closer to the wild. My father or mother never imparted me with any sense of God and Jesus was never mentioned unless it was a curse word but fortunately they did not curse much or just about nil.

It’s like my parents though very hard working could never make up for their ignoring God, they tried and tried to succeed but without God and His blessings how can you really succeed. My mother seemed to have left the faith of her parents and my father was never shown any faith from his parents.

My father may have had an empty of God life for most of his life and may have come from a lifeless vine branch but when I became a Christian follower of Christ when I was about 23 years old my father became transformed, it was a very quick transformation, he was enlightened, and he confirmed this to me. He knew he had enlightenment but he never discussed with me the transformation he had and he never wanted to talk about Jesus Christ. I never saw him pray or read the Bible. He only went to church on one occasion that I can recall. Dad came to my adult baptism, only dad came not my mum. My mum seemed anti Jesus, I really can not understand this. Dad was okay about my Christian walk but wanted nothing to do with the Church, the Bible, prayer, religion, etc etc.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

The anomaly of education it’s about science and science is about the creation not about the Creator. God said eat of Life (Christ) do not eat of death (science). To know Christ is to know the Creator.

March 23, 2024

Education of this world is about science but science is not about morals good or bad. So education is truly not about Christ’s Wisdom.

We have millions of children regularly being taught but not being taught true God Wisdom. Education though calls their knowledge wisdom but I think not; But if it is it is human wisdom, man made and artificial.

Children are now defunct in knowing and learning good morals. In the past many children particularly in the West got their moral learning from Church Sunday school, but not now, few children now attend Church Sunday school.

The 2 Trees in the Garden of Eden, one science leading the world to death (they call it Armageddon) and the other Christ leading the world to Life through good morals aka God’s Wisdom.

It is thought clever to embrace science accept it in eat of it and avoid Christ not accepting Him in not eating of His Words. In other words Christ is just a swear word, just a curse. But in reality science will be the curse and already is. Christ is the true blessings. Science is death, Christ is Life

Science yes brings progress, good and bad, it brings materialism, it brings technology, but it brings death to this world, it brings complexity not simplicity. But mankind are so clever and are so determined and convinced that science is the way to life and freedom.

Many people try to eat of both Trees, one foot of the world and one foot of the above. So they have a foot on both sides hoping to win either way. Such is weak, not full iron strong, it’s more wooden strength. It’s iron and wood combined, like a builder builds a house with both wood and iron. Wood is Mother Nature strong, the Fathers strength is iron strength. (Metaphors). Mother Nature wisdom is much weaker than Father Nature strength. But to go full Mother Nature strength and no Father Nature strength is limp to the full, a very limp and weak human spirit.

Education of the world can be limp to the human spirit, because education of the world can lean more to the Mother side rather than to the Father side. You might say “We need both mother and father equally”. Yes, so you go wood and iron. I don’t know all about this.

I do know that the Father God made Prophet Jeremiah in spirit strong as iron (obviously a metaphor). Prophet spirits are known to be strong. But Prophets in iron strength can be rigid and do not bend with the wind (words).

But Prophets can be straight thinkers and not bend; is this an anomaly? I was told I was a “straight thinker”. Straight thinkers in a complex sinful world may have much troubles. Trouble may vex them much. A straight thinker may get help from having the Mind of Christ, such gives protection.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

A Straight Thinker. 🙏

March 23, 2024

School is/was so complex. School is not always straight. School is up and down; like a (metaphorical) sine wave. No one is straight in school. Even the teachers are not straight. Sine wave (metaphor) thinking is seen as wise. You think straight always but then you don’t roll with the punches. You think straight always and your life becomes rigid. You think up and down you bend to the pressures but come up again. To think straight often is not normal to most people. The world is wicked and you must bend or you will snap. Straight can snap if you don’t bend.

The world can try and kill the straight. The straight are seen as peculiar. Jesus Christ never went to school. Where there are collectives like schools we have the collective consciousness and collective conscience and collective ego. School often can be more ego than head. Straight thinking people are the odd people in a collective of up and down people. Straight thinking might be odd to the world but straight thinking is not odd to heaven. Straight is normal to heaven. School caters for complexity not simplex. Teachers fawn it over those students who are able to be straight and complex.

But teachers are more about intelligence. Teachers reward intelligence. It’s not so much about learning it’s about expressing intelligence. You don’t have to learn much you just have to be highly intelligent and then the teachers fawn over you. Teachers pets are the highly intelligent ones. Teachers call intelligence “ability”. Teachers look for high ability and reward it. Teachers have little time for low intelligent students. Teachers prefer teaching the high intelligent students, why? For one it’s less work for the teachers; who wants to put the teaching effort in when you have so many students to teach. Teachers don’t look particularly for straight thinking they look for “ability”. So school can be mainly about exercising ability. You can call school a “gymnasium”. School is exercising the intellect the intelligence. Teachers love high intelligence. Moral thinking is not a teachers pet subject. Students don’t go to school to learn good morals. Teachers keep to a Government curriculum and conform the students to it. School is about conformity.

So school is far from being fair when the high intelligent students are rewarded simply because of high intelligence aka ability. God gives intelligence and school has made intelligence to be an idol. People worship intelligence as much as they worship body beauty (human looks). So most or nearly all students never end up in their God calling. Simple. So children grow up in to adults in their wrong field of work, they are imposters. We get a complex here, the “Imposter syndrome“. People get their vocation simply based on intelligence aka ability. It’s wrong. It’s not wise of God. It’s like people who get their vocations by their human body looks.

You don’t go to school to learn about the Creator of the universe. School is learning about creation; yes God’s creation, Mother Nature. School is also learning about man’s creations. Man’s creations are called “artificial”. Students are indulged in Mother Nature and human nature and the artificial. We get people over generations of time who get weaker and weaker in human spirit. People drift away from God, they leave simplex for complex. They leave the truth of God. You see the weakness come about especially where people worship Mother Nature and not Father Nature. We see people get weak wrists. To sow seeds you need strong wrists. Males sow physical seeds and spiritual seeds. Spiritual seeds are words. Physical seeds are sperm. We humans are meant to be cultivated, we cultivate, we become cultured. We sow, we weed, and we reap – all in words.

Humans are what we are in words. Humans differentiate from other creatures in words. Only humans have words, no other creatures have words. God is the supreme Words. God’s Words anchor our words. God’s Words are all truth. God’s Words keep us sane. We need simplicity to keep sane. We don’t want to hold on to all the complexity bull shit. We must be regular to keep sane. Christ keeps us sane.

Straight thinking is too much for complex thinking people. Straight was first. Simplex is first. Straight is simplex. Humans become complex over time. Complex ties up the thinking. We get a whole amount of psychological complexes intruding on peoples souls, their thinking.

Christ is simplex. The world is complex. The simplex was first. Complexity is dumbing down the world, it is binding people up. The intelligentsia are trying to hold all this together to make a go of it to keep the systems of the world functioning. It’s about using ability to keep complexity normal. But complexity is an anomaly. Just like school can be an anomaly. Education leads to an anomaly. Why is education not leading people in to their correct God calling? It’s an anomaly. It’s up and down.

Satan rules the world. Christ is above. Christ wants to rule. Satan has his time. Satan rules with lies. Satan even led Adam and Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge. So now we get mankind incessantly creating and killing off God made creation. We have mankind’s creation (artificial) snuffing out God made. We have human spirit trying to be God. We have “humanism”, the wisdom of man.

So to rule above we must believe in Christ and his Words and rise with Christ in thought and deeds. We must think above. We must rise up above the world’s thinking in Words. Christ’s Words are above. So to be in Christ, saved in Christ we think above as Christ is above and our thinking is of Christ’s thinking. We have a soul saved. Christ is the essence of our soul. We are saved by Christ’s Words.

No other creatures have the words. Only humans think in words. We humans are in the image of God, no other creatures are in the image of God. No other creatures go to heaven. Only humans have souls. We must use our senses and words, we should not live by instinct (thoughtless) like other creatures. We are peculiar creatures because we think in words. We learn in words. We grow (Spiritually) in words. We look to the Words of God. God’s Words are supreme.

We must not give up on our connection to the Creator. Don’t weaken your human spirit. Don’t think you are wise to reject belief in God. Be Wise and prepare for the “After Life”. Fools do not prepare. Fools trust in “chance”. So fools take their chances. Chance can be luck. Who wants to trust luck. You might say “God is love He would not send us to Hell”. That’s the chance you have to take if you do not believe and prepare. Is not preparation wiser? People going on a long trip prepare for it.

If you call me a “fool”. Then would that make you “wise?”

Straight thinking and Christ are synonymous. Straight thinking and science are not synonymous. The 2 Trees of thought. You accept one you deny the other. You eat of one you reject the other. One Tree leads to life the other Tree leads to death.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Putting the world at your feet using just body with heart or using just head with brain and Words of God

March 23, 2024

God puts the world at peoples feet internally. The people of the world put the world at their feet externally, with their body with the help of their heart.

God uses His Words to put the world at peoples feet. Man in his own (human) wisdom uses his human flesh and bones to put the world at his feet.

Human wisdom can often be folly. God’s (Christ) Wisdom is sensible.

Human wisdom is more body sourced; God’s (Christ) Wisdom is more head sourced.

Human wisdom is more body worship (aka creation worship); God’s Wisdom (Christ) is more head worship (aka Creator worship).

Glory the Creator not glory the creation. Glory the head not glory the body.

Males having long hair glory the body they do not glory the head; they glory the creation they do not glory the Creator; they glory Mother Nature and not Father Nature.

Females having short hair glory the creation they do not glory the Creator; they do not glory the Christ head of the males, they glory Mother Nature and not Father Nature.

Do we worship Mother Nature? Do we worship the creation? Did the Mother create? Or did the Father only create? Biblically the Father God only created the creation.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Neither. The Rooster came first. The Rooster is male.

So God the Father created both the Mother and the Son. God the Father came first.

Do we worship what the maker made or do we only worship the maker? Is it sensible to worship what the maker made? People who make things, do they then worship what they made?

So we only worship the Father God. But the Father also wants us to worship His Son Jesus Christ. The Father in the Son and the Son in the Father. The Father and Son are two but One.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

The heart rulers v the head rulers

March 23, 2024

These people who are leaders in a field and are the first to conquer a metaphorical or literal mountain don’t think or reflect that many many people will follow in the wake.

Everyone wants to conquer, be the first then later they have guilt feelings they act like they were right and all the other followers are wrong. Of course shit follows you. Humans shit and shit and shit. Humans cause waste and waste and waste.

Albert Einstein was a leader in a field he came up with the theory of relativity but followers come and use this theory to shit on others. This theory is the killing of millions and millions of maybe most of life yet mankind hero worships the likes of Einstein.

Knowledge is used for good and evil, the more good the more evil. Good will cancel out evil and evil will cancel out good, maybe. But how can darkness cancel out light? Light obviously cancels out darkness. So leaders shit and the followers shit. Leaders have people who follow up after them.

The Bible scriptures speak of conquering the world. The world is put at the feet of the saved. Jesus Christ is King. The Mind of Christ rules the Body (members). The Body is above the world and the head is above the Body and Christ is the head. Nobody rules. No body rules. The Body does not rule. Salvation of the soul is coming in to the soul/mind of Christ. Salvation is coming in to the headship of Christ. Salvation is a coming in to the Body (members) obeying the Christ head.

I was mixing for many years with Christian fundamentalists and the perception I got was that they ruled from the heart. Yes to them the heart ruled not the head. The heart is not in the head the heart is in the body. Effectively these fundamentalists were saying the body rules, the head does not rule. The body ruling is infantile. The head ruling is mature. I had to get away from these heart/body ruling Christians for my own good. Fundamentalism can be so immature.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

One is simple, But hydrogen is simple it is one, and hydrogen is all powerful and God is one and God is all powerful. Is God complex? Is God many? God is One, simple hah. God is the simple truth, simple. All truth is simple all else is complex. Complex is weak, simplex is strong.

March 23, 2024

Nothing often seems as it really is. It’s like people hide behind a veil. A veil of lies.

Even most peoples vocations are just made up in their own minds. Little of God is shown it’s all a charade. A made up delusion. People talk about doing God’s will and there are umpteen books on how to find God’s will but this is a smoke screen. People that write books on God’s will don’t do God’s will themselves. How can you preach God’s will when you yourself don’t do it. People think working hard and endlessly pushing pushing pushing is doing God’s will. It’s like people who worry they worry so much that it becomes addictive and they eventually think that worry is meant to be, they think to worry is good working and treat worrying like it’s natural. My mother was a worrier. It’s like a vocation in itself for people to worry. Thinking is okay but worry? It’s not God’s will to worry. Most people are imposters in their vocations. They work so very hard to try and compensate for their guilt. They become people pleasers. These people end up getting seriously ill. Push push pushing to get in to a slot that won’t fit is foolish.

To know God is to be converted. Converted from within. You are saved within. Not saving the flesh not saving the world, no, we save the soul the inner person. You get the soul of Christ you see the face of Christ. You see your own face as a reflection of Christ’s face. The inner person gets saved. Christ did not come to save the mortal, flesh decays and dies. Christ did not come to save the world. The world goes up in a ball of fire.

God’s will is simple. Give up the big big money. Give up the position titles. Give up the status. Give up the easy work. Give up the idols. Give up the getting many worldly qualifications. Give up focussing on intelligence.

See – finding a solution is simple when you break down the complexity of your thoughts to a simple answer. Remember algebra at school. Write on one side your weaknesses and the other side your strengths. Treat it as an algebra equation. Prune down the result. We cast off the rubbish, the shit, the bull shit (lies). Keep on refining the result. But no; overall you choose the money and status. You choose the jobs that are not dirty. You won’t get your hands dirty. You want lots of money. You are focused on materialism.

So forget the reading of books on God’s will. You made your decision way back. Some people already know the simple solution of God’s will but don’t do it. You say the pay is bad. “You make your bed and you lie in it”. “Reap what you sow”.

People act (I do not mean such like Hollywood actors) and the acting becomes their vocation. Actors become control freaks such is just one side effect of acting. It’s the same with marriage you get control freaks in marriage, partners in name only and not true soul mates. True soul mates marriages are made in heaven. So many marriages are like hell. So many peoples jobs are like hell. Be true. The simple truth is the answer. Simple. Keep it simple.

Control freaks. These freaks are so about controlling others, it’s like push push push, it’s not natural, it’s not a simple fit, it’s not a fit at all, it’s trying to impose on others a lie and trying to keep up a charade with pushing and controlling. A marriage that does not fit – a partner or both will try to control, a true soul union is simple, it’s not complex. Man makes complex, God makes simplex. A complex union is like hell, a simplex union is like heaven.

I fit in with a Minister Spirit and God’s Wisdom – God’s Understanding. I am like a priest in God’s Kingdom. It’s an inner Kingdom not of this world I am in the world not of the world. My authority is over souls. I am a Minister (Priest) and King in God’s Kingdom. I am not of this world. Church is so worldly. Church is often man made. Church is often human wisdom. I have all spirits put at my feet. I am at the Top of a Mountain of Wisdom. I don’t pursue money. I hate working for money as this allows the world to try and manipulate and bully me. Money is of the world. Jesus in this world had no money. Money controls. The world is at my feet.

God’s Kingdom is the strongest Kingdom. To fight God’s Kingdom is suicide. But people do try, it’s like people know not to look directly at the sun but they defy this and look directly at the sun. People do the opposite of what they are told not to do. We have many geniuses out there in their own making. People are their own worst enemies.

Satan will control through money. You will receive the mark. Who will? God knows, I do not know. The more money you have the more Satan will control you. You will be directly online with the Beast. You love money so much you want money so much then you will have to give up your lives to have it. The people who live a complete simple life live without money. Satan won’t own you if you do not have the Mark. Everyone or nearly everyone is dependant on money. It’s life or death to have money. It’s not working for God it’s working for money. The simple life was in the past when most people had little money. Life is so very complex now with lots of money around.

The Mark will come. You laugh now, but you will become sad. The Beast will control. Where are the true saints? Where are the true believers? Where are the ones who truly understand? Blind leading the blind. Drink up your alcohol, be merry and drink up, but the world is slowly being turned over to Satan. The saints are loving money and perversion. The Church’s are dividing the One Body of Christ. We have sects (sections). The Body is One not many. God is One not many.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

E = M, vice versa

March 23, 2024

Nuclear power is the zenith, but using hydrogen. Hydrogen is the zenith, like the suns. The suns are the zenith in power in the physical Universe. Hydrogen may (must) have been the energy to make the Universe, it would not surprise me in the least.

Atomic power, atom power, nucleus of atom power, proton power, neutron power. The neutron bomb. The hydrogen bomb.

But is light the zenith of power, re using photons? Concentrated light can make lasers. Light from the sun. Using nuclear hydrogen reactors (man made small suns) that give off powerful light; lasers. The Bible says “God is light” (metaphor). The nuclei of the atom is the zenith of power. And the hydrogen atom is the most powerful atom. One is power. Hydrogen is one. Not fission though. Fusion, yes.

Computers used to be big real big like using up a whole floor or floors of tall buildings. Now computers are so small you can hold them in your hand. They are even getting smaller. A nuclear reactor could be so small in the future.

We need to know how to obtain hydrogen safely. The holy grail of power is using hydrogen. But the holy holy grail is knowing how solids are solids. How does solid keep being solid. Solid is matter. How does matter keep being matter. If man knew how matter became matter then man would have the ultimate weapon.

E = M. Energy equals mass. But how does mass become mass? Mass is matter and is solid. God used Energy to create the Universe. How did God make matter? No one seems to know, science does not know at this stage.

I keep science objective I don’t invite it in I see it outside not inside I can be critical and not get attached to science so I am not getting tangled up in it I do though invite Jesus Christ in. I am subjective with Jesus and objective with science. I don’t get a mind/soul of science. I do though accept and receive a mind/soul of Jesus Christ. God is Spirit. I trust Jesus explicitly. I don’t trust science as it is used for good and evil. Science is the FALL. The Fall of mankind. Jesus Christ is Life. Science is death. We will have the End of the world. Armegeddon. Will the Third World War be a nuclear war? I do not know. But it looks likely. I have no prophesy to give on that.

Albert Einstein came up with the Theory of Relativity. E = M. Energy equals mass. Mass expands speed light square. This equation is the “Big Bang” the beginning and making of the Universe; it is also the creation of the Nuclear Bomb. From E = Mass we get the nuclear bomb. The scientist Albert Einstein is honoured by the world he is looked up to he is venerated he’s acknowledged as a genius he’s highly intelligent BUT he’s contributed to the dooming of mankind and most of life. So much for man’s cleverness. “Eat all the food, eat up, bottoms up, swallow, it’s good for you” says Satan. “I am proud of you” says Satan.

But it’s fate. We have no real control.

How does energy become mass? E = M. We know mass can make energy. The likes of Einstein proved mass makes energy. The holy holy grail now of science is to make mass out of energy.

Eat up. As I said Satan will be proud of you. You are all geniuses. Satan is so proud.

Christ I hate this nonsense. Christ this man Lester is dumb.

We know where you stand on Christ, so does Christ. Nothing is hidden from God. Christ is a curse.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


March 23, 2024

Medicinal cannabis is snake oil treatment. The laboratory takes out the chemical that induces hallucinogenic effects. People take cannabis for the so called ‘highs” only. My wife took medicinal cannabis and it proved useless for her tremors.

I need pure evidence that this medicine is actually working. Okay the cannabis not interfered with may work against pain but laboratory technicians take out chemicals of cannabis so that it is approved by Government, the medicinal cannabis is now just a placebo.

Cannabis is taken for the mind bending hallucinogenic defects, this state of euphoric feelings seem to decrease any pain for a short time. People are misguided by the effects of medicinal cannabis such is interfered with. There’s no “highs” in medicinal cannabis. Sorry to disappoint the hippy free love crowd, thinking hey we can get “high” on the Government. It’s a delusion.

Addiction settles in with the self pleasure hallucinogenic highs, people crave the self induced highs they act like a sedative. People get addicted to these highs that give a rush of escapism from the world for a short time. Go for a holiday to escape. Holidays are better. Holidays won’t be so addictive.

Life is hard, it is meant to be hard not soft. Everyone has a hard life. Have faith. Have faith in God above. There’s no euphoric paradise on this earth. Paradise is above in the ‘After life”. Just put your hand to the plough and plough on. Run the race. Climb the Mountain.

Fools are always craving for “happiness”. Happiness is a feeling. Don’t seek happiness. Seek contentment in God. Don’t crave and entertain every desire. Wants come and go. Be Wise and seek Wisdom of Christ. God provides your needs. Wants can be so selfish. Needs are for the Universal Body. Don’t corrupt the Body and Head with always wants.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

THE FORGOTTEN ARMY~ NO, THE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE. Sweep them under the rug “Out of sight out of mind” then we don’t need to think we have to help them. Stick needles (nails) in them, stigmata them, they are sinners

March 23, 2024

The trouble with mental illness it’s seen as akin to crimes of the Mafia like on an equal footing or worse. The Mafia often are treated better than the mentally ill. Where’s the stigma in being Mafia? Government tread delicately with Mafia, Bikie gangs etc but Government/Justice system ride rough all over the mentally ill.

Why do the mentally ill have stigma? Law. Law binds. Law does not treat the mentally ill well. The law rides rough over the mentally ill. The law does not protect the mentally ill it protects the public from the mentally ill. The mentally ill are treated like criminals. Law treats the mentally ill like criminals. People do not want to admit that they are mentally ill. Employers crucify the mentally ill employees they are chastised and sacked. Employers don’t employ the mentally ill. The mentally ill are near the bottom of the class system even lower often than the dark skinned.

Laws need to protect the mentally ill not put them away “Out of sight out of mind”, not treat them as outcasts to hide away. Laws are more about protecting the sane from the insane thus the insane have few rights they are put in institutions where they are contained. The insane must also be protected. Being insane is not criminal. Homosexuality was treated as criminal in the past. Mentally ill is still treated as criminal. Society still has some growing up to do.

Law stigmatisers the mentally ill. Law should bring freedom but it doesn’t it imprisons. Christ is freedom. Law binds.

The Law stigmated Jesus Christ. Roman soldiers were the civilian law of the times. The Jews were abiding by the religious Moses Laws. Law stigmatisers. Law should set people free but it doesn’t. Law never set Jesus free. Law killed Jesus.

The ONLY freedom from the Law is Jesus Christ. A conversion of the soul in Christ by Christ with Christ frees souls from the Law.

Law as it is treats mental illness as a crime. So for the mentally ill to get free of the Law and its binding is to get the soul/mind of Christ. Christ is free of all Law. Law comes down on sins but Christ is free of all sins. Law treats insanity as sin. Mental illness is treated as insanity. Being insane is sin to the world.


Laws, religious and civilian, both, stigmatise people. The laws stigmatise the mentally ill. The laws bind and incarcerate the mentally ill. Mental illness is really seen not as an illness but as sins against God. People would rather think the mentally ill are axe murderers they hear voices telling them to kill people.

Such is the way of the blind leading the blind – we have the Pharisees and fundamentalists stigmatising the mentally ill, these religious people think they live above the law and that the law works for them and so when they stigmatise, the law does so too.

The law gets its power especially from the self righteous aka Pharisees. The law gets its power from the Old Testament. Christ is not the law. Christ was stigmatised (nailed to a cross) by the law, both religious and civilian. The church is full of the self righteous. The church backs up the law. Christ on the cross is the ultimate stigmata. Christ loves the mentally ill. The law is not about love. The Jews in Jesus Time on earth were the self righteous but now we have gone in a circle the Christian church has become self righteous. We have Christian Pharisees. The Christian Pharisees continue to stigmata Jesus (Emmanuel) those people receiving Christ and repenting of their sins. The Christian Pharisees are about God not Jesus.

Ultimately the civilian law works for the religious law not that the civilian law would admit to it. The Roman soldiers the civilian law submitted to the request of the religious law and killed Jesus Christ. Religion has power in numbers.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


February 19, 2024

I had a dream. (Sounds like Martin Luther King saying “I have a dream”)

But I had a dream I don’t have a dream. I don’t live a dream, I don’t dream all day, I do not day dream. This is not in any way to mock Martin’s dream.

My dream was at night and lasted for a very short time maybe minutes. BUT this dream was etched on my consciousness even though I was a sleep. I woke up to remember this dream and to remember it as clear as daylight. The dream was not like my other dreams, my other dreams are infantile compared to this dream. This dream that I had could come from no one but God. This dream was not my dreaming as I do at sleep it was not a dream in that essence the dream came in to my consciousness in my sleep but I did not dream it how it appeared God only knows. You might say I dreamed it but I did not I could not dream such a dream.

The dream had a person running through a door in to this big mansion there were two persons he went up to then he went upstairs then I saw a big staircase I saw a few big pillars then I saw outside many people. The two persons this person saw initially one was a Minister person, he was clothed in a cassock type of black nightie he had a Priests/Ministers dog collar he had a black board cap on his head. The other person was not in a Ministers clothing he was with jacket etc, dressed like a country gentleman.

This dream I had, a dream right from God, explains to me me thinks the Kingdom of God within me. I think the Kingdom of God is in the hearts of people, mind you not in all people, and especially not in the hearts of Satan’s universal Body its members being snakes. I guess the Kingdom of God is in the peoples who have saved souls, in what we call the Body of Christ a universal Body of God; I don’t know much about it.

The Kingdom of God is Spiritual I don’t like to call it a metaphorical space as Spiritual is of God and I don’t like calling God a metaphor. Science likes to call God a metaphor. God is very real to me. Science might not and often does not call God a person. I see God as a person as much as I see humans in the physical as persons.

Now this dream I had or more to the point God had within me. I missed out something. The person running around, and who met two other people one a Minister, then saw many other people outside the mansion (it was like these many people had come to pay homage to a new saved person) he also ran to a room in the mansion where there was a person looking like me. Yes me. Who was this person running round then if it was not me and I was the person in this room? The mind boggles.

How can there be two of me? And the person running around did not look like me. The mind boggles. I do not know. I still do not know. Am I two people, one a spirit and one a soul? That just confuses. It just makes it complex. God they call complex? Why? God is three persons. Three is many. Simplex is one, complex is many. But God is three in one; still confusing and in many peoples thinking still complex. I think God is simplex no matter if there’s three God persons (I believe in the – three persons in One God, I believe in the Trinity of God, I believe in the God head). Simplex is one God. The God head is One.

How can I not believe in God, I have had two very very vivid dreams, one very very vivid vision and one part outer body experience and a number of spiritual experiences with the Minister Spirit person outer and inner experiences.

But I believed in God from the on set (but I grew up not understanding God or His Son Jesus until in my early 20’s the Gospel [truth] was explained to me) not just because of dreams and vision I have a simple faith and a simple belief. My God experiences just reaffirm what I have within and that is a sure faith and a sure belief. [my sure faith and sure belief came to me when the Gospel truth came to me when I was about 24 or 25 yrs old].

Oh and I have a painting a painting so unique and blessed by God and no doubt inspired by God. The person while painting this painting can only but have been guided/inspired by God. This painting I have of a Mountain and river and trees has been explained to me in my inner person. And I explain this Mountain painting in posts on my WordPress blog site. You can see this painting a lot on my Facebook page.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Light gives safety as fire gives safety

February 19, 2024

Does politics evolve? We get the Monarchy a King or Queen or both ruling a mostly illiterate and uneducated people. The people are called peasants and the ruling class are called Nobles. The Nobles are given land by the Monarch and the peasants till and farm the land and pay rent to the Noble land owners. We have the Lord of the Manor. This is Anglo European rule.

Asian and other ethnics can have had something similar to the above rule or differ remarkably. We then got a Parliament. Anglo European is called Western. Parliament is very much Western inspired. The Monarch sat in Parliament in the middle of members sitting on the Monarchs right and members sitting on the Monarchs left. The Right were called the Tories and the Left were called Labor. Right were the Conservatives. The Left were the Workers Party the Workers Party was initiated by the Labor Unions. The Right were land holders and were owners of businesses and were on the whole rich. The Left were poorer than the Right. The Right were initiated by the rich land owners especially the Nobles.

Now the Monarchs rule was a bit diluted by having Parliament. The Parliament soon took most of the responsibility of ruling off the Monarch and the Monarch was just like a figure head. The Monarch did have total rule still but did not exercise it as the people saw Parliament as the operational rule. The Left were more inclined to be Republicans but the right still endorsed the Monarchy. The Monarch had to tread cautiously now because the Left though not having full control did though wield a lot of power and the Monarch did not want to upset the anti Monarchy Left.

The USA is an ideal example of an evolved Republic. To break away from the Monarchs tit can involve war and that did happen for the USA to break away from Britain. People love power that is power over other people, people use other people to do the hard work to make money for the ruling elite. So we get revolutions. The underdog rises up and fights off his her oppressors; such has been standard policy in the world for centuries.

I stand by my opinion that for the underdog mentality fight against the ruling elite who abuse and work hard the underdogs that these abused need to use words to fight with and essentially the Words from the Bible, and to have power in Words / words you need to be Wise of God and Christ is God’s Wisdom. Such means being of good morals, as authority in the Spiritual is based on good morals. Words have power only if you obey those Words. You can not use dirty water to cleanse a dirty people. You must be clean. Dirty people are powerless in Words / words. Clean water is used to clean people. You must be clean then your Words / words are clean. Moral authority is based on cleanliness. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” my mother said to me. You stand clean you stand next to God. You stand next to God you have protection. If you have power in your Words / words you don’t need to fight with your fists. Love overcomes evil. Light overcomes darkness. Cleanliness overcomes dirty ness.

Fight with Words / words but you have to be clean first. The Devil flees from the cleanliness and God love and Spiritual light (stay in the light where the Devil does not tread) of God’s people. There are no chinks in your armour for the Devils arrows to get in if you are of good morals. “It’s water off a ducks back” if you are morally clean.

When people are camping out in the wild at night they build a fire and have it going all night. The wild animals keep at a distance from the fire. Fire is power. Fire is light. Light draws people but those who are wild keep at a distance. Demons stay away. God is our light, stay next to God, cleanliness is next to Godliness, stay clean and next to God. God is Spirit.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.


February 19, 2024

We creatures are/were made out of Earth. We are made from the Mother Earth. We are made from the Mother. We are spirit/soul breathed by the Father in to His image made of Earth. We come from the Father but we live in an Earthy body. The Mother provides the body, the Father provides the soul and spirit.

“Who came first the chicken or the egg?

Neither. The rooster came first. The Father came first. Did the Father create the Mother? Looks that way. The Father begat a Son Jesus. But the Father wanted an Earthly body for His Son. Jesus was born from the Mother. The Mother provided Jesus with an Earthly body.

The Father is above the Mother. The Father and His Son are above. Even the Son is above the Mother. To have success in the flesh/body it’s wise to treat your Mother well. Treat Mother Nature well. To have success in the brain/head it’s wise to treat your Father well. Treat the Father God and His Son well. The Mother provides the flesh and the Father provides the Words. Words make up intelligence. Words make up Wisdom. Soul and human spirit are inspired by Words. Soul and human spirit are fed Words to survive just as flesh is fed physical foods to survive. Jesus said – eat my Words. Words of Jesus feed the soul and human spirit. You are what you eat is metaphorical for what you eat in soul and human spirit you become. You eat Jesus Words you become like Jesus. Jesus is in the image of God. We eat Jesus Words we also become in the image of God. We are in the image of God in or physical looks but also in Words in soul and human spirit. God plants the seed, the Father God plants the seed, God plants the Spiritual seed, our human father plants a physical seed the physical seed is given by God through the human father and we grow up in spirit and soul to reflect our growing physical image, both spiritual image and physical image align. So we are a person within a person. We are a soul and human spirit in a spiritual body. We feed our inner person and we feed our outer person. God moulds our physical self in to the image of God and God moulds the spiritual self in to the image of God.

Words, Words, Words. We are essentially Words in an Earthly body. The Father and Son God provide the Words and the Mother provides the body. Jesus is the Head of the Body. We the saved are members of a Universal Christ Body. We call the Body the Mother Church. The Mother submits to the Head the God Son. The Mother submits to the Father God.

Metaphorical speech and other figures of speech are not the same as insight. Insight is more straight, it’s having good focus, it’s seeing straight, it’s seeing in the spiritual from human spirit, it’s seeing and understanding God. Metaphorical is figurative it’s more illustrating a theory or teaching it puts the teaching in perspective from the physical to understand a spiritual way. God is Spirit. So for example parables. Para – beside; two together beside each other. To give a teaching first illustrative in a physical terms way and then use a spiritual way. Both physical and spiritual bedside each other to explain a teaching from God. So to teach spiritual teachings – Jesus uses physical illustrations that are seen with the physical eyes to explain a spiritual teaching. So we get metaphysical, meta = beyond, beyond the physical in to the spiritual. God is Spirit. God is invisible. The invisible created the visible. So to understand the invisible God we have to use visible seen by the physical eye descriptions. Science and its learning is about seeing with the physical eyes. Most people learn about the physical realm not the Spiritual realm of God. But even science needs to have a connection to the invisible God. Who wants to be “up with the fairies”.

I explain figures of speech pertaining to mostly teachings of God. I don’t refer such speech to say use in writing novels. Novels are not specifically for teaching. Jesus said at one time – I will eventually not use figures of speech to teach you I will soon speak to you plainly. When we are wise of God we are also mature and God then speaks to us plainly. Text books, I detest. Text books are not Spiritual teachings. Text books are really science. Science is the physical. I try and come from a Spiritual stand point. Text books come from a physical stand point.

Father Sky, Mother Earth, – is figurative. Figurative’s are used a lot in the Bible. But as I sad Jesus says one day I will teach plainly. The Bible is teaching books. We learn about God from the Bible. Figurative’s are used for fun and serious; in its serious forms they are used in teaching. Figurative’s are like having pictures in a book (this is a metaphor), we can have pictures and words. A picture can tell a hundred words. Picture books are more for the young people. As you mature you read just the words and see less the pictures. Jesus says He will speak to us plainly, this means no more pictures you are now mature to understand as it is. We will see God in full because we understand God in full in Words.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

“Card only no cash” (a sign on a counter at a local cafe).

February 19, 2024

I have thought about the Mark of the Beast. I have suppositions as everyone has of the future. We don’t have crystal balls that tell the future.

Is Russia the Beast re Putin. Is China the Dragon re Xi Jinping. All supposition. But am I the real McCoy? Am I a true Prophet. Does God tell me things? Time will tell.

So what if Russia is the Beast re Putin and Putin and Xi Jinping especially Putin brings in a Mark. An ALLIANCE of Russia and China taking over the world with a money system controlled through this Mark – what I especially would like to know will the Christian West take this Mark?

The Christian West is slowly phasing out money as is also Russia and China. Will the USA for example take this Mark? The USA is the Leader of the West. The East will take the Mark but will the West take the Mark? If the West is going to go cashless what will replace cash? Bank cards, credit cards? We have these cards now.

But will cards last long? Will the next move from cards be to the Mark. And is the West also going on the path to taking the Mark? Looks like it. It would be good to think that the Western nations won’t take the Mark. If the West take the Mark they are really submitting to the Beast re Russia re Putin. And the Beast submits to the Dragon.

The one who controls the Mark controls the world. The one who controls the Mark controls the world’s money. People are now all about money. Everything and everyone has a price in money. So will the Beast control all the world. Scary. Scary that possibly Russia and China will control the Western nations.

I would like to think that the West confronted with taking the Mark will not take it, but we must be real. Maybe a war will stop the West taking the Mark? I am clutching at straws. Maybe it’s inevitable that the whole world goes with the Mark. We have BRICS now when will it end? Who won’t take the Mark? Christians? Nations run on money. Governments run on money. The West runs on money. The East runs on money.

“Beam me up Scotty there’s no intelligent life on this planet”.

I do not believe in alien life but if they came across earthlings they might be wise to bypass earth. Kirk to Scotty, “beam me up” is not radical, it’s don’t stay around trouble.

BRICS will expand it will take in many nations and over time nations might have to join it to stay financial. Nations will have no choice but to join it. BRICS will soon in time control much of the world’s resources. You need energy you need oil, gas, iron ore, etc etc. The list goes on. BRICS is a foretaste of the Mark, me thinks. BRICS could force the West to submit and take on its money system. Force I mean financial and trade, not necessary military.

The Mark; some say it’s a micro chip, I do not think so. I think this Mark is some other thing. Carbon? Supposition again, hah.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

The desire for money and the love of money

February 19, 2024

We have the digital age we get the online age we get the artificial age.

Get over it, it’s going to be a cashless society whatever. Cards etc put people on the grid you are in the system you are accessible by artificial intelligence. It’s a digital age. It’s an online age. It’s leading to the Mark of the Beast. You take the Mark you are really definitely online. Do you give your soul by taking the Mark? I do not know but it looks that way. Artificial suits the Devil. Artificial is man made not God made. Man made suits Satan. The further we get away from God made the better Satan can control us.

Putin would say “he who controls artificial intelligence controls the world”.

I say “he who controls artificial intelligence controls the money and money controls the world”.

“The love of money is the root of all evil”.

Money makes the world go around. Money controls the world. The world is man made. Money and man made go together.

Life in the past was more simple because there was less money around. The more money around the more society is complex / complicated and confusing. The simple life is without money.

When Jesus did His ministry Judas controlled the purse strings. Jesus handled nil or little money. Money is associated with evil. The more money the more evil. It’s like noise, the more noise the more evil like war. Silence is golden. Peace and quiet. Quiet leads to peace. Money leads to Satan. Judas was the prime person to betray Jesus. Judas loved money. Jesus said “it is hard for rich people to enter / was it heaven or the Kingdom of God, or both?”

Many Christian’s love money especially young people. We even have a church “doctrine of prosperity“. It’s materialism and money, lots of it.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

The Body of Christ.

February 19, 2024

Who is in this Body? I do not know. Obviously the saved of Christ are in it. I can not name names. I call it a Universal Body. I don’t like to call this Body denominations. Denominations are sects (sections) of this Body.

People start denominations. There is One Body. How people try and give the one head to many bodies. Or people give one body to many heads. Golly. Body parts organise and fight other body parts. Body parts put themselves above in thinking from other Body parts. We commune together in spirit in this Universal Body.

I think that the Kingdom of God is within this Universal Body. Sin gets in the way of communing as sin gets in the way of true Words. True words bring light. God is truth and He brings light. Truth sets you free to be in the light. The evil forces lurk in the dark. You are seen in the light even the dark forces see you in the light. Evil forces know your sins. Evil forces accuse you of your sins. You can not hide in the light. The light does protect you from the dark forces. Evil forces stay away from the light.

In the Body we commune together and with God. But sins especially the sins of the flesh hinder this communing. We should hear ourselves think. We think in words but sins can hinder our thinking. Sins hinder words.

In the Body we live in a Kingdom, an invisible spiritual Kingdom. Remember the Spiritual came first. The invisible existed before the creation of the Universe. In this Body the members are all accountable to the Head. The Head knows all about the Body. God is the Head. So we members of this Body have to treat each other with special care. One part should not abuse another part. One part should not curse or lie to another part. One part should not hate another part. The Head has eyes to see all.

To sin against other parts in the Body can bring punishment. We suffer. We suffer in our sins. A good father punishes his children. A child needs to know when they do wrong. A child can confess and get off punishment or be given a lesser punishment. God loves it when his children confess and repent. True repentance is a sign of love to God. God can forgive and does forgive. Many children however do not repent/confess.

So we commune together. Don’t let sins get in the way. We should be able to hear ourselves think. We think in words and we should be words. We are words. We are spirit and soul in words. We think and we know. We think and we are. We think together. We are words with God and each other.

We are saved in this Body. We are not brainless in this Body we have a Head with a brain on top of this Universal Body. We are protected by the Head. God is the Head. God protects us. God uses the Body. We serve the Head. We serve God above.

We are spirit and soul. We learn from words. Words are our basic building block. We grow with/in words. God’s Words should be our plumb line aka frame of reference. Our words submit to God’s Words. God’s Words are the ultimate truth. Our truth always submits to God’s truth. We are sane when submitting to the God Head.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Keep it simple. The simple truth.

February 19, 2024

Science is the building blocks of civilisations but civilisations come and go.

Jesus Christ is eternal.

Is science eternal?

End of the World NOT End of the Word.

Death goes in a straight line, death to self. Jesus has/had no ego self. Jesus was begat from God Spirit.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

The Garden of Eden

February 19, 2024

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.

Simplex Christ

February 19, 2024

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.