Ai (artificial intelligence) you can speak good sense at times. But you don’t have senses do you? You are just words, artificial words, not living words; man made words to be precise. But your explanation on the Kingdom of God gels a lot with me especially the part where you say “it is a realm……..experienced within the hearts and minds of individuals……”. Good on you Ai there’s some hope for you yet but won’t you be used to used to destroy the world so really there no hope in Ai, hah. The Dragon and Beast will use Ai. Will they not? Science will lead to DEATH. Reset, back to the simple life, back to the Tree of Life. The remaining God people will have the Bible. The simple truth.

Oh Ai will get senses no doubt. Some Ai have senses even now. But to think is another thing. And can you give Ai conscience. You may be able to programme a moral good versus bad conscience. You can programme Ai to know and accept the Bible scriptures. You can command Ai to obey the scriptures. But the Dragon and Beast can command their Ai contrary to what God’s people command their Ai.

But Al (the onboard computer) in the “2001 Space Odyssey” movie went all odd on what is right and what is wrong.

It’s interesting how Adam and Eve ate of the Knowledge of good and evil – obviously science, but it’s more so interesting that the snake though tempted Eve and thus Adam to eat of science also must have eaten of this Tree. The Bible though says nothing about the snake eating of this Tree. The snakes of today eat of science. Don’t you think so?

Science says being of Christ is simple it’s for the simple people. These science people think science is the clever way. Okay I agree, the Bible is for simple people. I am simple and I learn the scriptures as the simple truth. I accept Christ’s teaching in to my heart as the simple truth I believe in them explicitly.

I do not invite science in to my heart. I do though understand science in a way but only in an objective way. Science is out there not in my heart and mind. Science is not of the Kingdom of God. But I could be wrong. Christ is not about science. I could be wrong. Christ is Spiritual. Science is not Spiritual. Text books are not Spiritual. The Bible is Spiritual.

Ai says the Kingdom of God is in the heart and mind. It’s in not out. Science is about the physical creation so science is physical based; Christ and His Kingdom is Spiritual based. God’s Kingdom is invisible. But the invisible made the visible. God’s Spirit made the physical universe. Science does not save the soul for eternal life in heaven. Satan wants you to eat of science then you will all die. Science might bring on Armageddon. Science is the anomaly that replaced Christ. Mankind uses science to save the world and also to destroy the world. Science is strictly physical whereas the soul goes on for eternity. The physical dies.

Hearts have to eat, food yes, eat of Christ or eat of science.

So are you in the Kingdom of God, and do you carry this Kingdom around with you in your hearts and minds? Adam and Eve and their descendants were and are in this Kingdom; am I right or wrong? But don’t we have to learn to eat of the correct Tree? Is it not time to change? Sorry, it won’t happen. Too long have the people gone for the wrong food and nothing will stop them now, the world is on a path to utter destruction. I am simple you are complex. God made me simple and I stay simple. God made you simple but you became complex. Mankind has made a complex world. Simple people are not for/of this world. Simple people are for the “next life” (heaven).

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.