Wise, Simple, and Straight, without guile

Heaven and Earth/World

Ecclesiastes 3:11 King James Version
“……also he hath set the world in their heart,…..”

So if the world is set in our hearts then what is set in our heads? Heaven?

So our heart is on the level of the world and our head is on the level of heaven.

We are a living embodiment of the head and body of Jesus Christ. We are a Universal Body. We are many members in One Body.

The Kingdom of God is within. The Kingdom of God is not of this world. Our God Kingdom is on the level of this world. God’s Kingdom is supreme over all other kingdoms of this world. Christ rules the God Kingdom. The other kingdoms are of Satan. Satan’s kingdoms are of the world, the world is at the feet of Christ’s Universal Body. Satan’s children are the snakes. The snakes are at the feet of Christ’s Universal Body.

Who are the Prophet’s enemies? Satan and his children, yes. But the Prophet contends against his own people the members of the Universal Body of Christ. You don’t exactly call these contenders enemies of the Prophet, they are of God but they make trouble for the Prophet. The true Prophet is all about the Will of God. The Prophet sees.

But the other members of the Body contend against the Prophets preaching and warnings we get the members of the Body dismissing the Prophets seeing. Members like to think they know the truth. So we get tension in the Body over what is truth. We have like millions of books published over the centuries telling each persons side of the truth. All this paper out there in libraries and in homes. People want to “be in the know” and to tell the world what they know. Not all people are Prophets; not all people are Apostles; not all people are Evangelists; and so on.

People just do not know God’s Will for their lives. People are committing to callings/vocations of other people. we get people not fitting in. I fit in very well as a Prophet of God but people want to make trouble they don’t want to listen they just want to contend. They are actually contending against the false fit that they have in their vocation; they are in the wrong vocation. People don’t want to accept the fit that others are in others who are in their true calling fit because they don’t accept their own calling fit. People act as hypocrites and wear masks they are imposters and they expect everyone else to be imposters and have masks on.

The simplex Christ person who is straight is not accepted, he is treated as a peculiarity. Straight thinkers are not accepted by a complex world with complex thinkers. Simplex is seen as stupid and dumb. The world loves science and its complexity. The world cannot get its head around the simplex Christ Wisdom. All their life from infant on people are led to think complex is good and the way, the truth, and the life.

But all the time the simplex truth the core of God’s understanding is there but people add complexity on to complexity smothering the simplex truth. The Holy Spirit gets “quenched”. The Holy Spirit gets smothered. Man creates and creates laying each additional later of complexity over top of the simplex truth. The Holy Spirit is the simplex truth. But people wear masks they are imposters not doing the vocation/calling God wants them to do. Your vocation/calling is simple. The key to true vocation is simple.

So God’s Wisdom is removing all the complex layers. Wisdom is untangling all the knotty words. Wisdom is burning off all the dross. Wisdom is going back to being regular, not living off the shit. Wisdom is going back to the simple truth. God refines the Wise person. You burn off all excess weight. You drop off all your sins. You die to old sinful nature. You get cleaned up. Go back to the beginning. Cut off all the excess. Don’t live off shit. Get the waste out regularly. Be regular; regular is sanity. Living off shit is insane.

Mentally sick people can be people that believe lies so much that they believe these lies are the truth. Generations of a family line believing the shit is the truth can pass on these lies down the family branch and later these offspring just can not take the shit any longer and end up mentally sick; they need a cleansing, a refinement, a unraveling. They need the simplex truth.

I can sus out a persons true God vocation. I have tried at a few times to enlighten people of their God vocation, BUT they are not interested. Actually it’s more like “Who do you think you are”? “Have you got a University degree in psychology or blah blah blah”? “What job do you have”? “What experience do you have”? So they think I am running them through with a sword when I tell people their God calling/vocation. Ego immediately pounces back. I feel like I am attacked. I feel like I am being treated like a real fool. It’s the so called intelligentsia people that really try and make me in to a fool.

And do not dismiss the brain. The senses are also very necessary. The senses are in the head. Don’t dismiss the head. The heart is below the head. What is below is subject to what is above. The heart is subject to the brain. The body is subject to the head. Pray from the heart but glorify the head. Pray from human spirit in the heart. Pray from heart to the above. Are you a god head? Are you in the Body of Christ? The soul gets converted. The spirit prays. Spirit of God may be in the head. Spirit of God is in the heart, this Spirit came from above. We learn to pray from the heart, we learn to bypass the old ego nature flesh self in the heart to instead develop in human spirit so as to truly understand and be wise in human spirit.

The Kingdom of God is within, it’s a Spiritual Kingdom. We die to the old sinful flesh nature in the heart, crucify it, crucify it by building up the human spirit in the heart and worshipping the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in the heart came from above; above where? You do not know, I thought you were clever, I mean you are saved. So above is too metaphorically to understand yet. To crucify the old nature flesh self is like a circumcision. It’s a circumcision of the heart.

The simple become wise. Wise, simple and straight without guile.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.
