To listen to people you must listen inwardly. We are all of one body in God. Satan has his own body of members. Sins get in the way of seeing (insight) and listening. You cannot learn if you are sinning, unless you confess

Listen to your heart not listen from your heart. Your ears are in your head. Your head is in charge. You listen to your heart you then listen to your body.

Your body is a Universal Body made up of many members, I am a member you are a member (are you?). You listen from your head. Your heart and body are not in charge. No body is in charge, nobody. God listens from above. The God head reigns. The body does not reign. The world’s people try and control through the body; they are excessively working out the body trying to make it super strong. The worldly people love super strong bodies. Let the God head listen. Be open to the God head. Open up your heart to the God head.

Stop blocking out the head’s senses. The senses are in the head. Oh yes there is a body sense, one, it’s a feeling sense. Feeling has its purpose especially in mating. When the members in the Universal Body are full of light the Universal Body is full of light. God then sees us all. The darkness is gone the light is here. The Universal Body is enlightened (in light).

You can determine a Godly person by how much glory they give to the body and head. It should be God first then body. How people put the body first. So it’s not get up in the morning and first glory God it’s first glory the body it’s exercise the body and it’s eat and drink. It’s not pray and read the holy scriptures. It’s not exercise and feed the spirit. So people get up in the morning and first exercise and feed the physical body not the spirit. Spirit exercise is (should be) for God above. God is Spirit. God came first then creation. The invisible came first not the visible. God Spirit is invisible. So people glory the physical then later in the day or at night they might glory God.

So it’s an upside down world. It’s the body leading from the top over top of the head (or trying to but it looks foolish). It’s the blind leading the blind. No wonder people do not recognise Jesus Christ in people. Do people really understand Jesus Christ? Jesus appeared in the First Coming and few people recognised Him. The religious people of the day at Jesus First Coming definitely did not recognise Jesus as God the Son. The religious of Jesus time killed Him. The religious can be about self righteousness. The religious are the modern day Pharisees. The Pharisees are in to good works and they are about God BUT not the Begotten Son of God. The Pharisees on a whole are not very bad Christians; they say they are just not needful of Christ; they say Christ is for sinners. They say Christ is for the lost the sick and the sinful. The Pharisees are quite blessed by God. The modern day Pharisees are the traditional types who think they are born in to their religion. Born in this case I mean physically born.

Now back to head and body. Apostle Paul says the husband is the head of his wife; and Christ “is” the head of the husband and God the Father “is” head of Christ. We must have order. It’s not exactly law and order. Christ does not set down the law. Christ is Wisdom. Wisdom of Christ is not necessary laws.

We see laws like with the Muslims. The Muslim husbands are head of their wives but this is a head of laws. It’s “don’t do this do that”. Muslim husbands do not rule with a head of Christ. Christ came to do away with the law. Christ supersedes the law. Christ is love.

The Christian husband is to love his wife. The wife submits and obeys and loves her husband. Husband and wife complement each other; a simple fit. The head needs the body and the body needs the head. But one must lead. The husband leads through the head of Christ. It takes two to tango and in this dance we need a leader, the man leads the women in the tango dance. The husband leads the wife. The Christian husband is head of his wife a body. We use metaphorical terms to explain Spiritual truths. Jesus is no good without a body. The head is no good without a body. The man is no good without a wife and vice versa. The head is to love and if it does not the body does not obey and submit and love back. If the body does not obey and submit and love the head the head does not love the body. But God really keeps on loving. The God head is all love. The husband should never give up loving his wife.

Husband and wife complement. It’s not a legal relationship. Though it’s legal to the laws of the land. But in God’s eyes it’s a God relationship based on Wisdom and love.

Husband and wife find each other through complementation. Her strengths are your weaknesses; her weaknesses are your strengths. Its opposites attract. You though have common purposes. You share likes and dislikes. Your beliefs are the same. You listen to each other. You don’t trouble each other. You are members of the Universal Body of God. Light goes with light, dark goes with dark. God’s Body is light, Satan’s Body is dark. God is light. This is nothing to do with colour of the skin; don’t think foolishly. Though certain physical traits can identify the people of Satan.

I like to think I am of the light and can lead people who are in the dark to the light. Lost souls can be living in the dark. Lost souls can be at Satan’s mercy. There can also be a veil over peoples eyes. Satan does not want people to know Wisdom of Christ. The woman sitting on the Dragon tries hard to stop people from going up the Mountain (metaphor) of God’s Wisdom. This woman acts as the true wisdom. This woman leads people away from Christ’s Wisdom.

Look for simplicity in a relationship. Look for simplicity in a vocation. Live a simple life without too many worldly attachments. As you get older you drop off idol worships, you become more simple, you become more wiser. In the end you give up everything of this world. You leave this world with nothing just as you came in to this world with nothing, all you have is what God gave you in your heart and mind. You are spirit and soul. The mortal is burnt or buried or both.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.