Subjective and Objective Science and Spirituality – the inner and the outer – the small and the big. But one reigns over the other, you choose. Choose wisely.

I concur with Ai here. Mass can never go faster than the speed of light. How do I know? It’s intrinsic, I just know. But of course I could be wrong. I don’t call my deductions gut feelings; what do I call my deductions? Insight, conscience, discernment, perception, wisdom, understanding. My knowledge is inner. I have a Spirit guide.

God is light, nothing can go faster than light not even God. You can say God cannot go faster than Himself (light). Simple. They might say “Quantum Entanglement” is faster than light, this has merit but this entanglement is more subjective it’s the inner whereas the speed of light is more objective it’s the outer. How to resolve this entanglement theory is too much a mystery at this time.

Maybe entanglement and the speed of light work in tandem. Both subject and object work in tandem. The inner and outer work in tandem. God is both subjective and objective. But the question is mass can not go faster than the speed of light whereas mass is objective and entanglement is subjective and really is not an object mass moving any physical distance. Entanglement is a form of communication but it communes at no speed faster than light.

Entanglement is akin to “I am in God, God is in me, we the members of Christ are in God and Christ, Christ is in us, God is in Christ, Christ is in God”. This is quite subjective. The Kingdom of God is within. We the “saved” are in this Kingdom of God. We are people in this Kingdom, we are people in spirit in this Kingdom. In this Kingdom we should be in the light. Darkness is sin.

To commune with God above and together with other members you need the light. Light helps communing. Light helps communication. Darkness stops the communing aka communication. The Word of God needs the light, the Word of God is light as God is light and is His Word. The Word of God travels at the speed of light in the light (aka entanglement theory). If you sin you break of communications with God and with other members in the Body of Christ. Sin leads to darkness. To understand entanglement theory you have to understand it in the light (Words) of God.

To understand the physical you must first understand the Spiritual. You can not understand the objective without also understanding the subjective. You must understand the Spiritual to understand the physical. Spirit came first then physical. To understand the physical without understanding the Spiritual you start to go airy fairy you are up with the fairies. You need to be anchored you need a good foundation a solid one. You need to be rooted properly to grow up properly.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.