Science the Apple of many an Eye but only human eyes not monkeys or any other non human eyes

A monkey thinking AND! What language was the monkey thinking in? Thoughts are words to me HOW do you think? Monkeys do not have words. Moneys do not have souls. I was not born yesterday. How science goes irrational and thoughtless at times. Science to be rational or sane needs to be connected to God Spirit.

Only humans have souls. Only humans are in the image of God. We are gods we have god heads and are to submit to THE GOD HEAD. GOD is supreme. The Father God is in Jesus, Jesus is in the Father God. Monkeys are not in The Kingdom of God. Monkeys are not in the Body of Christ. GOD is in Words. We humans are in words to Words. We humans worship GOD; human spirit to GOD SPIRIT.

This wiring up animals brains to computers and getting the animals to control robotic limbs by thoughts is NUTS. Crazy. 🤪.

It’s the same with wiring up human brains to computers and getting human thoughts to control robotic limbs this is also crazy. Who thinks 100% pure good thoughts. Most people or really all people are thinking sinful damaging evil thoughts all the time. These thoughts can be sexual or violent. So if a human thinks of sex how are these robot limbs going to act? Crazy science.

Humans may in the future worship an artificial brain, esteem it highly like treat it like a god or God. Maybe a humanoid God. Humans may create a GOD HEAD and worship it. This GOD HEAD may even have a hologram side to it to project visionary forms.

Science forgets that humans are sinners. Science seems to not be aware that only humans have souls. God is only in humans. We are the temple of God not monkeys or any other creature.

I love peace and quiet. I listen to my own thoughts in the quiet. I draw out my own thoughts. My thoughts are in the English language. Wisdom of God draws out peoples thoughts. Insight sees.

Humans are peculiar to all creatures because humans are in the image of God and God thinks and we think. God has Words we have words. We are words under God’s Words. I can not instruct any robot limb to move by my thoughts. I have free will. My thinking is not so disciplined. I am a sinner.

A monkey does not have the god head. Humans can and do have the god head. God within. Conscience. God Spirit. Only humans can have the god head. There is the God Head and there are god heads.

Humans may in the future worship an artificial God head.

Science has made humans know as God knows. Humans create their own creation with the God knowledge. Then humans will create their own supreme God with their knowledge. Humans will create and create using their God knowledge they will create a robot race (humanoids) in humans image. Science replicates God and His creation. Man knowing as God knows makes man think he is God. God is replaced by man aka the science of “humanism”. Man then creates his own God. An idol of idols.

Knowing as God knows was/is the bane of mankind. Creatures knowing as God knows – not clever. Good and evil get to know as God knows. The sun shines from above on the good plants and the evil plants (aka weeds). It’s better to be “ignorance is bliss”. Both sides ignorant, both good and evil ignorant; that is true bliss. God’s children ignorant; the snake children ignorant. You give to good, evil gets it as well. Choose Wisdom of Christ instead; it’s simple and truthful. Christ is not science. The Bible scriptures are not science. You cannot destroy the world with the Wisdom of Christ. You cannot create an artificial God with the Wisdom of Christ.

Adam and Eve were offered a simple path a simple life but they took the complex life a life of weeds (but also with the good plants). Man has to garden his her heart and mind to stay cultivated; it’s planting, sowing, and weeding. We males work with our hands.

Science is complex. Christ’s Wisdom is simplex. Complex knowledge is used for good and evil. Science is used for good and evil. We have a complex world of good and evil all because of the FALL of Adam and Eve.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.