People say they can read a room; you know discern (perceive/understand) the overriding thinking in a room or discern specific thinking from specific people in the room. The Prophet is the seer of seers he/she really reads a room. Prophets are the eyes.

There’s the people of the Body of God/Christ and there’s the people of the Dragon’s Body. The God people are not snakes. Snakes are members of the Dragon’s Body. We have a good Body and we have an evil Body (both Bodies sin), two Universal Bodies; one Body has its Kingdom within the Body the other Body has its Kingdom of this world.

The members of the God/Christ Body each have their unique God callings and gifting. These callings and gifting in each member of the God/Christ Body are there to serve the whole God/Christ Body. I do not know the Dragon’s gifts or callings to his Body or if there are any such. God’s Body does have callings and giftings.

Many are Called but few are Chosen. We have our Calling decreed maybe from birth or earlier I do not know. But though we each in this Body have a Calling this does not automatically mean we are Chosen. Chosen is to serve God the God above the God Head. Prophets are the eyes of this Body of God. We call Prophets seers. Not all Prophets are Chosen by God to serve Him as Prophets.

Prophets have deep insight. Insight is the seeing. Prophets can read a room. Prophets can read people. It’s good and evil. You read good and evil. Wise Prophets can draw peoples thoughts out. The heart is like a deep well. Prophets can draw out water aka words out of the well. Insight can penetrate deep. The wiser you are the deeper you can go; I speak of Christ’s Wisdom not human wisdom. Christ’s Wisdom is Wisdom from above, human wisdom is of this world.

Jesus on earth knew people’s thoughts He knew what people were thinking. No, Jesus was/is not deluded. No, Jesus does not need to take medication. Jesus could/does read thoughts, true. Jesus a true Prophet. Prophets read people but they are not “hearing voices” and they do not need medication and shock treatment. Psychiatrists don’t need to medicate Jesus up to the eye balls. Jesus said to the Pharisees “you are trying to kill me”. The Pharisees of Jesus time on this earth said “Jesus you are deluded”. But the Pharisees did succeed in getting Jesus killed. Even now we have Christian Pharisees in the Church. The Pharisees are the “self righteous“. The “self righteous” are behind wanting to medicate Jesus up to the eye balls. Many people go to Church but not to hear Jesus but to be righteous.

Prophets are “set apart”. Prophets look like loners. Prophets look sad. Prophets are sad because they see, they see the good and the evil. Prophets say they are persecuted, but the persecution is in the inner, in their minds and hearts. The self righteous try and control the Kingdom of God. But the right wing Christian religious the Pentecostals also try and control the Kingdom of God. We have both sides of Christianity trying to be in control of the Kingdom within, the heart, the soul and the Body of Christ. We seem to have a left wing and a right wing in Christianity. Just like we have a right wing and a left wing in Political thinking. We have a brain with two hemispheres. Both sides of the brain should rule in unison but alas human wisdom aka man made wisdom gets in. Now we have Christians trying to control politics. I am guilty here as well. Christians or anybody are either dominated by the left side of the brain or dominated by the right side of the brain. It looks like we cannot walk a straight line, we tend one way or the other. I though have been called a straight thinker. Maybe I am more centrist but lean left; maybe. A straight person is not perverted he/she walks in the middle not left or right. Right can be perverted as left can be perverted we get the extremes, extremism is perversion.

Prophets see; the Called and Chosen Prophets really see. The Chosen Prophets are fine tuned by God. The Chosen Prophets warn and teach and preach, they see the danger. The Prophets are the eyes of the Body of Christ, the other members see through the Prophet’s eyes. The Prophets have to stay pure so the Body can see any dangers. We don’t want a blind Body. The Prophet’s eyes need to be clear without sin. Sin clouds and darkens the Prophet’s eyes. The eyes are the lamp of the Body.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.