The male is the metaphorical head of the female. It’s the male that has the head of Christ. Christ is the head of the body. The female is the metaphorical body. The God head is the male Christ head.

Only males have the Christ head. The females submit to the headship of Christ. But if males sin and leave God they are lost souls they have no God head of Christ therefore they have no headship over females. Lost souls are souls broken off the God vine aka Tree of God. Souls are cast off BUT lost souls can get redeemed and be joined back to the God vine aka Tree of God. Females sometimes can have tremendous guilt when defiling the God head of the male. Females and males, both can be lost souls. The Christ head goes with a body that submits to the head and both fit together in simplex truth. It’s finding the best simplest fit.

Just because male and female do not fit together that does not mean a failure it just means there’s a better fit elsewhere. Seek and you will find. You must think together well. It’s in the words. I am my word, you are your word.

The God head in Christ gives us words and WORDS. People without words are like wild animals they act without thought and rely on instinct. God is Spirit and God is Words. So with God we have words and WORDS. Lost souls act like wild animals living on instinct; thoughtless. Only humans can have words, WORDS. Only humans can have God within them. Only humans can be the Temple of God. Only humans are in the image of God. Only humans have soul breathed in to them. With soul you can have words, WORDS. WORDS are God’s WORDS.

The God head is all about words, WORDS. We think in words. We learn in words. We perceive God and people in words. We understand in words, WORDS.

The God head should not be compromised; if it is you need to confess to God above. It’s like the heart confessing to the head. We pray from the heart. We must love and protect the saved soul. Is the soul in the head? I would think so, but I don’t altogether know.

I would have thought soul was like a small shadow form. Why? I had a very vivid dream one I have not forgotten, the dream was in very much detail and was so vivid it’s etched on my soul aka mind and heart. I saw a few small shadowy forms running and circling a round middle area. It’s hard to describe this dream as it’s something not mentioned before in this world; that I know of. When the dream started I saw a shadow with a small disc in its hands and this shadow was waving this disc up and down in short quick waves. It was like the shadow was being attacked; how I do not know. Then I saw some other shadows on the scene. It was like the first shadow was defending itself from the other shadows but this first shadow lost. It was like the first shadow was overcome. But I don’t know all about this dream. I saw just what I saw in the dream. There was no handbook accompanying the dream to describe the dream.

The male has the God head of Christ. Christ is male. What head do females have? I do not know. Apostle Paul metaphorically calls the female the body in this spiritual illustration. Why the body? Ask Paul. Okay you cannot ask Paul. Pray about it. But Christ is not female. But God is both male and female. God is the God head. Why is the female the body and why is the male the head? It’s an illustration to explain the order of God. The male came first. Why? Did the head come before the body? In the womb does the head come first? I would think the head and body in the womb of the female are made together at the same time. God is male and female so both are needed to satisfy God. God is only complete with male and female.

Now a days society is banishing male and female talk and writing. Even though God’s creation like the plants are given male parts and female parts society are less tolerant of such usage of male and female.

So the End of the World is slowly looming, when? I do not know. God’s children hasten the End of the World; we get atheism, agnosticism, humanism. Sin and more sins of God’s Body gives Satan the Dragon power. It’s perversion that seems to be the biggest sin; perversion is “a turning away”. Turning away from God. It’s love of money and perversion.

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin will say the Christian West is getting weaker and weaker. God’s people are going limp weak. Weak hearts. Weak morals. Love of money and love of the world. The Christian West and its World Order is weakening and the East is going from strength to strength forming a New World Order.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.