Good v Evil. Existential war is about science. Science helps create artificial intelligence and supercomputers and humanoids. Science might be used to create an artificial God head, will humans then worship it? Bahh bahh say the so called clever sheep

“Currently, we don’t have a solution for steering or controlling a potentially superintelligent AI, and preventing it from going rogue,” said the Superalignment team in an OpenAI blog post when it launched in July. “But humans won’t be able to reliably supervise AI systems much smarter than us. (from news article).

A human trying to out smart advanced computers. Maybe the advanced computers will try and out smart humans. But humans have already created computers way advanced to humans.

Will computers go rogue in the future? The thing is will computers go rogue with human help? Humans will help computers go rogue, but rogue against whom? Good v evil. So we get good computers and we get evil computers just as we have good people and we have evil people. Computers will just be an extension of humans UNTIL there is a breakaway. A turning away. Humans have in droves turned away from their Creator. Will computers turn away from their creators?

2001 Space Odyssey. The movie. My dad dragged (metaphorically) me to this movie. I was only young. The movie came out in 1968, I was born in 1955 so I must have been around 13 years old. I did not really understand this movie being so young. My dad was so eager to see this movie. We were living in Himitangi Radio Station near Foxton, NZ. Dad worked here. So dad took me all the way in to Wellington just to watch a movie I cared little for at the time. Dad and I ever saw about three movies together. The movie is about a supercomputer onboard a space ship that goes rogue. This computer turns against its masters, humans.

I think a computer may put the interests of a mission ahead of life. Or the life of the whole part is looked after over the life of the little part. In other words like in a chess game the computer sacrifices some life to keep the majority of life alive. The mission of humans must be always to respect life and give it dignity. But computers can have glitches just as humans can err (human error). A glitch could mean existential death to all mankind. Human errors have led to deaths to lots of human life.

But life comes down to good versus evil. Humans are in two universal bodies, we each are a member of one or the other body. There are also the lost souls, souls cut off from the two universal bodies.

So humans will use supercomputers for good and evil. Artificial intelligence will be abused. But evil will say it comes natural to do evil and thus you don’t call evil abuse. Dark is dark and dark is not abuse is it? Is light saintly and dark abuse? Light is only light because we have dark vice versa. There are always opposites. Is God a God of opposites? Is God a God of the light and dark? Both? Was dark in the beginning? Was light in the beginning? If light was in the beginning where was dark? The universe has light and dark. Is it normal for God to have both dark and light?

Will humans program supercomputers to go against good? Will Satan’s body members program computers to go against Christ’s body members? Computers will be weaponised! Artificial intelligence will be weaponised!

Oh yes we can get computers that will work against good AND these rogue computers serving evil might be able to program other computers to serve evil. These rogue computers might then serve each other. So can computers program other computers? Of course it’s all possible. We get an existential threat to mankind when computers can program other computers. Rogue computers can program other computers.

Humans can have mental illness, they can get deluded, they can believe lies, they can go extreme, they can be immature. Computers, can they have mental illness? Can computers get sick? Technically sick?

Pilate said to (God) Jesus Christ “What is truth?” Computers might ask the same of their human masters. Humans questioning God what is truth. Computers doing the same with humans. Computers might think for the interest of mankind’s survival some life might have to be sacrificed, kill the few to save the more. Hal in the movie 2001 Space Odyssey killed humans to keep to the overall mission.

Some people might think the culling of humans makes sense. Have wars to kill millions of people to cut back the human population of the world. Why? To protect the resources. To have enough resources. The earth can sustain only just so much life. Humans are killing the earth and its ecosystem. Humans cull other life stock. Are humans becoming a pest to God? The End of the World – the biggest culling of human life. But new life comes out of the old life. The New Testament came out of the Old Testament. Christianity came out of Judaism.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.