Education is a ploy to learn science and science is not Christ

Teachers bahhh. Education is like a game the game called “Trivial Pursuit”. Teachers just conform to a world model of education. Education is of the world. Education is not of God above. Teachers just teach a curriculum based on a man made plan. Yes teachers are just “hired hands” working for the world. Ultimately education is about “position” and “money”. Education is a conveyor belt like in a factory making man made people.

Education needs to glorify God. I know for sure fact that Jesus Christ is not welcome at schools. You talk or write about Jesus Christ and his teachings at school and you are drastically marked down. You won’t pass your grades if you glorify Jesus.

God sent His Son in to this world but the world’s people killed Him. The self righteous people killed Jesus. The elites the ruling class killed Jesus. The intellectuals killed Jesus. The educated people killed Jesus.

The simple accepted Jesus. Jesus went to the simple, sick, uneducated, sinners. The self righteous people did not want Jesus. We have Christian self righteous the modern day Pharisees ruling our schools. Universities are full of these self righteous people. These self righteous people even call themselves atheists or agnostics. Humanism is the new Christian religion. Humanism is replacing Jesus with mortal man.

If you bring up Jesus teachings in a class at University the so called exalted Professor might ask you to leave the class especially if you do not desist in mentioning Jesus. Hey am I not seeing something here; I mean Jesus is God, am I missing something, am I so dumb, am I stupid, have I lost the plot, am I mentally ill?

Yes University has classes on Comparative Religions. But this comparing is just comparing man made dogma. It’s dogma Universities teach in these classes not the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Oh I have got religion. I am a born again. I am a nutter. I am deluded.

School and University is so trivial, it’s conforming to the world, it’s complex not simplex. Simplex keeps one focussed. Complex is trivial baggage. Complex is limp wristed. We must be regular and get the (bull) shit out.

To talk or write Jesus teachings at University is shameful. But why? Why should we be ashamed to mention God? We are not cursing God. Why is it shameful to mention about God at University? Oh you might upset people of other religions. We should be a Christian nation. We don’t have a nation based on Hindu or Islam or Buddhism. Our early forefathers and foremothers were Christians. Our nation is based on Christian values. Oh people are leaving the Holy Spirit and people are mostly perverts now but there are those who still respect the Holy Spirit.

It’s those people who are connected to the Holy Spirit that are keeping the sanity in this world. Perverts do not keep the sanity. We must be anchored to God, not just to the Bible Scripture Words but to His Spirit. We must worship God in spirit to God Spirit. God is Spirit above. We are spirit in the heart; God gives (into our heart) to the Chosen a Spirit helper/teacher. We must be the true stars in the world. We must shine to lighten up the world. People only see in the light. We must not try and smother out the light.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.