We have the Mark of the Beast to come first. Cashless society leads to the Mark of the Beast. Life is getting so very complex now. God created humans in His Her image. Mankind will create humanoids in his her image. Mankind rebelled against God his her maker. Humanoids might rebel against mankind his her maker.

I think the BIG FIRE is a while off yet; but it will come. The Christian Tree is just about finished growing. We see a mature trunk and mature main branches; the fringe is still growing abit. It’s only the fringe growing now. The fringe are the Pentecostals.

There’s no hope for the world. So worldly people who live for the world are hopeless; they live without hope, they drink alcohol (or take drugs) often to sedate their thinking and their conscience. The heavenly people who live for heaven do have hope. There’s hope in God. God is above. Heaven is like an escape it’s an escape from Satan and the world.

The world is getting more like a cesspool as time goes on.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.