To think is to know to know is to be enlightened – it’s simple; it’s simple to those who know; your God given gift is simple it’s simple to you though it might look complex to others. I think and I write.

I enjoy writing what I think. To write without first thinking is animalistic it’s instinctive writing. Instinct means thoughtless. All animals except humans live by instinct they are thoughtless they have no soul. Humans are the only creatures to be made in God’s image therefore we think we have soul like God. “God is Spirit” says the Bible; but God must be soul as well, me thinks. Jesus would have soul, would he not? Soul thinks. Soul is in words. Did the God soul create the Universe? The Bible says Spirit of God created the Universe. This soul and Spirit of God is a grand mystery.

I woke this morning with an enquiring mind. I was yes thinking I was quite deep in thought. On what subject? I considered my past endeavours at learning. Something now was enlightening me to my own individual make up. This something the Spirit of God, maybe, or prayer from another member in the Body of Christ, maybe. But now I was enthused with insight in to matters of learning for me.

I considered that I was “simple”. What really is a simple soul, does anyone really know. Do I have a simple soul, and why. My human Dad, did he also have a simple soul? The Bible says “The simple become Wise”. I was not seemingly maturing in my younger or middle age years. “Jesus” the Bible scriptures say “grew in Wisdom”. But Jesus did not go to school. We get students learning at schools and also maturing. Is getting wiser part of maturing, do they go together. You get wiser you get mature. When I was at college I did not seem to be maturing. Was I actually learning? I did not seem to be learning. The children at college seemed to be getting mature. I just acted like I was learning. I worked hard at trying to please the teachers, doing all my homework conscientiously. But alas even though I was passing some subjects the whole endeavours were really a waste of time. I left college, I passed the requirements, my mother said to me “the world loves a trier”. I know what my mother meant. I passed because I tried so hard. I was accredited University Entrance second year trying. I just did another year and they gave me the qualification. I hated all the study, I hated all the homework. But I tried. What else could I do? What other options did I have? School for all other people was the way to wisdom and maturity, but I just acted that I was fitting in.

I left college and went to my first job. 5 years later in this job I knew I had to get out. I was not fitting in. The boss wrote in my yearly report that “with more maturity will be considered for promotion”. Those words crossed swords with me, I knew I was banging my head against a brick wall staying in this job, I knew I was not maturing. With hindsight I knew I was not getting wiser.

So I was a simple soul and what does that mean. I guess no one really understands to be simple. You are born simple, but why? Maybe to see God at work. Jesus never went to school yet Jesus grew in Wisdom. How did Jesus grow in Wisdom? Spirit of God. The two Trees in the Garden of Eden, one life one death. Was one Tree the science we know of today? Was the other Tree Wisdom of God. Jesus never went to school he never learnt the sciences they teach at school. Can you mature on learning science. Is learning science called getting wisdom? Is enlightenment to most people getting understanding of science? Jesus never learnt science but he grew in Wisdom.

My life was a mess. I was not maturing I was not getting wiser. I was not able to learn science. School was not helping me. I was acting learning. I ended up seeing a Psychiatrist. I ended up in a hospital. I was drugged up. I was given shock treatment. I did not understand.

God came in to my life. I was preached to by Christians. I accepted Christ in to my heart. A Spirit in my heart revealed Himself to me like in visionary form and also in a dream. This Spirit was/is dressed like a Minister, He wore a cassock like a black nightie, he had a Priests collar, He wore on his head a board cap. There is a Kingdom within, maybe within the heart. I had a teacher to teach me.

Later years I attended a Pentecostal church in Western Australia and I told one of the leaders about this Spirit Minister. She was all for me getting this Spirit cast by prayer out of me, she saw it as a demon, a religious demon. I never got this Spirit prayed out of me. I believe this Spirit is the Holy Spirit and is all Wise and Understanding. So am I now wise? Or am I still simple? Was I simple for God to show how He works, God gives Wisdom to the simple.

In my early to middle 20’s I was driving in my car through a town in New-Zealand called Wainuiomata and was felt led to stop at what looked like a church hall. A sign must have been up in front advertising some sort of goods. I stopped went inside and there were many picture paintings for sale. Actually I noticed all the paintings had sold on them except for one painting. I was drawn to buy this painting and I did buy it. This oil painting is of a mountain, a river, some trees and the sky. I thought highly of this painting. I like looking at snow peaked mountains. In my later years I was enlightened about this picture painting. I saw the man at top and an infant being drawn from below to the top and I saw a woman sitting on a dragon. The woman also became an arm and a hand with palm facing outwards like saying you cannot come up here. Up here means to the mountain top, maybe. So this woman is trying to stop people like me getting to the top. What is this mountain? Wisdom and Understanding? I think so. Who is this woman? A false prophetess? A seducer? A woman learning the dark secrets of Satan? A woman in to immorality? All these I think.

So my Wisdom and maturity comes from God not from schooling of this world, not from science, not from the woman sitting on the dragon. “The simple become Wise” so that the world in their wisdom will not be proud of their own wise achievements. God shows that the wisdom of the world is nothing to God. God makes a simple person Wise to shame the so called wise of the world. We should have a plain straight Body of Christ, each member part is organised so the weaker or less attractive or less of ability parts are more glorified and the stronger more attractive and more ability parts are less glorified.

The Bible scriptures say “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and I will frustrate the intelligence of the intelligent”.

I am a work in progress, I am God’s work in progress. We are like grass that withers in the heat, like flowers that fade in the sun, we are like wind that comes and goes, we are flesh and bone that becomes dust and ashes. God is to be glorified not us creatures. Don’t glory in ability or wisdom of man or understanding of man, all is vanity. All your man given qualifications are naught. Your flesh body and bones will be burnt up like rubbish is burnt up or chucked in a hole in the ground like rubbish is chucked away. Silence is golden. Peace and quiet.

My mother in my middle or late 20’s wrote to the psychiatrist (the one that I was seeing) and said that I lacked maturity. School and work never seemed to help me mature. I was simple and not maturing or wisening up. God changed all that. Not only do I now understand more but I see more now. I was told I was a Chief Prophet. God works in amazing ways, ways that are different from humans ways. I go to the top of a mountain. God placed a crown on my head.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.
