The new (Will) Zion is a living temple, Emmanuel, God within, we are that temple

Israel is painting itself in to a corner. Palestinians are people, yes humans, not sub humans; they have every right to be treated with respect and dignity. Jews are more or less saying they are better than Palestinians. Jews are saying they are of God and that Israel belongs to them.

Israel did belong to the Jews in the past. But the Jews lost Israel; why? The usual; sins. In the Old Testament we read many instances of the Jews being attacked by their neighbouring countries and defeated and taken off in to exile in to foreign nations. But Israel is Old Testament aka Old Will. All the same the Jews suffered much from their lack of a land as their own. Christ came to save Jews as well as gentiles. Zionism of old won’t save the Jews. Zion is now a Spiritual Mountain. Zion is not physical, it used to be physical. God lives in a living Temple. Zion of old is a temple made up of stones and bricks. We saved are the true Spiritual Temple of God.

The Christian Free West sympathised with the Jews over the Holocaust. The Jews took a great lashing in this war. Unspeakable things were done by the Nazis to the Jews. Then it was understood that a homeland for the Jews was like a need.

But land had to be taken from other people to make room for the Jews. God took the land from people to settle the Hebrews here but did God settle Jews here and give them Israel after the Second World War. It’s up to contention if God made room for the Jews here this time. The Jews have dismissed God’s only begotten Son. Dismiss the Son you dismiss the Father. The Father is in the Son. God may be angry with the Jews. But Jews are still of the light.

The Jews believe Zionism and having the land is their rights from God.

But Christ is the way to the Father God. Christ is the New Will.

Zionism is physical to the Jews with having physical earthly land; to the Christians Zionism is Spiritual.

God is Spirit. Simple.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.