
I think Hitler made the wrong decision by having two war fronts, East and West. Hitler may have successfully invaded Great Britain if he had kept to a mutual peaceful understanding with Stalin. Stalin was not wanting a war with Germany. Stalin was anti West and anybody against the West is Stalin’s ally.

Hitler was too optimistic, he was not cock sure but he was over confident. Yes you can even over do confidence. Hitler was not cock sure because he was not a man of the cock. What exactly was Hitlers way towards sex? I read a book where Hitler had a big picture of his mother on his bedroom wall. Hitler was no daddy’s boy he was a real mummy’s boy.

Hitler was not really in to women, though he had a so called girl friend Eva Braun. I think the Eva Hitler relationship was all in Eva’s mind and not with Hitler. I think Hitler just tolerated this woman around him a woman who liked socialising with the upper end of town. I don’t think Eva and Hitler ever consummated their union. Hitler was a mummy’s boy and had no notions of being a man in the true sense of the word. Hitler liked Eva but just as a friend and to make it look like Hitler was a man like most men. Hitler liked his friendship with Eva kept secret from the public but also not hiding it altogether making it like Hitler has normal desires. It’s lonely at the top and a friend kept close can help. Even if that friend is scatter brained and shallow.

Hitler may have tried sexual relations with a half niece of his. This half niece later committed suicide in 1931. This niece was named Geli Raubal and was the daughter of Hitlers half sister Angela Raubal. Hitler was dominating and controlling and the story goes Geli might have committed suicide because of Hitlers “control freak” attitude. Hitler proved in this relationship that he is not made for a proper unselfish union with a woman.

Lester John Murray.
