The problem is big. The answer is small

It goes both ways.

(1) Look to the Universe to uncover the inner workings of the atom.

(2) Look to the Atom to uncover the inner workings of the Universe.

The problem is big. The answer is small. The problem is complex. The answer is simplex. The problem is many. The answer is one.

So to eat a big meal do you gulp down one big mouthful or do you eat small bits of it. You eat small mouthfuls.

To understand the Universe you unravel it you cut it down, down to one.

God is the quintessential ONE. God is the ONE beginning.

You have a problem and you unravel it. To refine it. You cut it back you prune it. You burn it back. You untie it.

Mathematics using algebra we are taught to prune the problem to cut it down to size to one simple answer. There are laws in most things, laws in the physical and laws in the spiritual. There are laws for the invisible and laws for the visible. We use laws to solve our problems.

The missing link: Is between the physical and the Spiritual aka is between the visible and the invisible.

When we discover how God was made then we might, just might, understand how physical mass keeps its properties. How was/is mass made? Or vice versa – when we discover how mass was/is made then we might understand how God was made.

Albert Einstein came up with the simplex answer to the beginning and creation of the Universe:

E = M c square

The simplex answer of all known physical answers to physical problems.

Einstein pruned down the Universe to one simple answer.

God on one side and creation on the other side.

But is God energy? Yes. God is energy and energy gives light. God is light. God is a person Spirit of light and energy.

On the right side is Mass. Mass is creation. Mass is created by energy. Energy equals mass. God created mass.

Einstein used numbers to work out his understanding of the Universe.

I use words to understand.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.