Schools, colleges, universities are not places of Wisdom, why not? Jesus Christ is God’s Wisdom. These education institutions do not accept Jesus Christ. These institutions do have a watered down wisdom of God what we call “human wisdom”. Human wisdom is like being disciples of mortal humans. God’s Wisdom is being disciples of Jesus Christ.

Students do follow this man or that man that they esteem as being very learned. Students study up on certain people. Apostle Paul was even a disciple of a mortal learned man before he turned to Christ to be a disciple of Christ. So we have this weak human wisdom based on mortal flesh and bone linked to human spirit. Human wisdom has its own religion called “humanism. Humanism is God’s people replacing Christ with mortal man.

After generations of a one family branch of God’s people you see as the branch is added on with family members we see a further displacement of these members from God Spirit. But there are still many family branches that continue to love God and obey Him. Humanism is a movement away from God Spirit. We get to have weaker hearts from moving away from God Spirit, we see limp ness.

Education institutions are about ability. In these institutions you are rewarded for ability not Wisdom of God. Ability is intelligence. If you have little ability you won’t succeed at education institutions. Actually for low ability students life at educational institutions can be a nightmare. And who cares? The ability students do not care about the low ability students. Such is the way of life. It’s weed out the low ability people and put them in to jobs that serve the ability people. We have a semi sort of class system based on ability. Schools set up this class system.

We have schools still weeding out the low ability students and giving awards to the ability students BUT schools are having a crisis. Schools don’t teach Wisdom of God. Schools teach man made wisdom. We are now getting students exiting education with little or no moral education. We get ADHD in children. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Children are not anchored to God’s Wisdom in spirit and soul. Children are taught (trivial) knowledge but children are growing up delinquent and perverted. Children do not even know the 10 commandments. Hey even I did not know of a 10 commandments until my early adult age. Children’s human spirits are not grounded in truth of God. Children are going freakish. Perverts turn in to freaks. Satan has a field day with these children; these children are not protected. Hired hands the school teachers do not protect the children from Satan. Hired hands run when the snakes come. Schools also now run riot with bullies.

Ability is not necessary God Wisdom. Jesus never went to school and schools would never accept him. Jesus would show up the hypocrisy of the teachers.

The world is going crazy because the people do not know Christ’s Wisdom. Ability is not an excuse for true God Wisdom. We need to teach Christ’s Wisdom.

“Jesus grew in Wisdom” says the Bible. It’s not Jesus grew in ability. Christ’s Wisdom is supreme. We have a perverted world and it’s getting worse by the day. People have turned away from Christ.

Yours Sincerely; Lester John Murray.